an unexpected ally

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(some of you might expect the mysterious shipgirl from the last chapter to be a meta... It's not a meta, sorry if it's disappointing...)

Third person pov

In the usual meeting room where most of the meetings are held there were only 2 shipgirls looking out through a window, enterprise, and prince of wales

Suddenly, the door opened startling both of them

Cleveland: wales... The sirens are spotted... they are closing in, the planes are coming first

Prince of wales: tell every shipgirl to get ready for battle, and sound the alarms

Cleveland: understood

Cleveland ran and closed the door

Prince of wales looks at enterprise a little weirded out because enterprise looks very irritated right now

Prince of wales: is something wrong enterprise?

Enterprise: nothing...


Prince of wales: *sigh* war never changes, no matter the era

Prince of wales and enterprise started running to the docks, when they reached the docks, prince of wales stopped, but enterprise didn't, she kept running so she could jump onto the water

Enterprise: enterprise engage!

And enterprise's riggings started to appear

Anti aircraft guns from warships and from the base started to turn towards incoming siren planes.

In only a second the sky was lit up with bullets from AA guns

( is this the sound of an AA gun? Tell me if I'm wrong)

Nagato pov

???: It's a pleasure meeting you nagato-san

Huh!?, Who the heck is she, i feel like i've seen her before, and those riggings looks very familiar

Nagato: who... Are you?

???: I will explain later, i will handle observer while you fight empress

Nagato: understood

I got up and ran to get my katana that was thrown away

Empress was looking at ??? And getting ready to dash at her but, i jumped right infront of empress

Nagato: your opponent is me

I dashed at empress with my katana ready to cut empress's head in two, but empress blocked my katana

I jumped back while empress flew back...?

Just forget it

Empress and i dashed at each other with speeds that destroyers couldn't even reach


Both of our katanas locked onto eachother creating a shockwave

(Yes... Nagato is getting more powerful...)

I slashed multiple times at empress, but my slashes are still being blocked by empress

I took a glimpse of the fight between ??? And observer, they are sti-

Wait what !?

Observer is already unconscious!?

I saw empress taking a glimpse too at the fight between ??? And observer

While empress was focused on taking a glimpse i dashed with speeds that made the water on both of my sides rise high

Empress tried to dodge my slash, it was successful, but my slash still scratched her cheek

Empress looked back for a second, and then

Empress: *sigh*

Then she created a portal and entered the portal

I ran to catch her, but the portal closed before i could even reach her

???: Well what now?

I pointed my katana at ???, She even flinched a little, not expecting to be pointed with a katana

nagato: tell me, what is your name

???: My name is... IJN Yamato

(I tried to put the fan design of IJN yamato here but i cant, wattpad wont let me put it here... I'll make yamato and nagato have the same rank so they will more or less be like friends)

Third person pov azur lane HQ

The last siren plane in this wave was being shot down from the sky and fall into the ocean

Shipgirls were beginning to sail out from the port for battle

Javelin: can we really do this...

Laffey: we can with...

(Laffey is still using a sleepy voice, just reminding you guys)

Javelin: with what?

Laffey: oxy-cola...

Javelin: -_-

Laffey proceeds to drink her oxy cola like drinking beer, it might even be beer in disguise, and goes back to sleep

Laffey: zzz

Javelin: be serious for once laffey!

Javelin starts to shake laffey violently

Somewhere in the port, we can see wales and enterprise with riggings on keeping a lookout for incoming enemy planes 

Prince of wales: [cleveland, is everything ready?]

Cleveland: [everything is ready wales, including the knights of the seas]

Aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, and destroyers are already in formation for battle

Prince of wales: are you ready enterprise?

Enterprise: ...

Prince of wales looked back at enterprise to see enterprise thinking About something?

Prince of wales: enterprise?

Enterprise: huh!? O-oh yeah im ready

Prince of wales: you are quite unusual today enterprise, it's now or never

(I think my fight scenes are still lacking, but what is it lacking, hope you guys enjoy, still no big fights tho)

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