Azur Lane Will Never Fall

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Third person pov

Two enormous formations can be seen on both sides, the sirens are ready to fight without any care about the situation they're in, as for the other side, the shipgirls... some, are terrified, some are ready to tear the sirens from limb to limb

But nevertheless both sides are ready for battle, a battle that will change the fate of both sides

On the shipgirls side prince of wales is ready to give out an order that will start everything, no matter the situation

Enterprise: yes... It's now or never

Prince of wales with riggings on then made her sword appear in hand, and with one last look at enterprise, they nodded and wales swings her sword and points it to the enemy...

Prince of wales: FIRE!!!


hundreds of shells ready to pierce into anything were soaring through the skies



Some hit their mark...

Some ricochet...

And some of them missed...

Following one last shell from the large ammount of shells soaring through the skies

The shell hit its mark... On the ammo storage of one of the siren mass produced battleship

And the largest explosion this battle has ever seen happened


Nagato pov

Still pointing my katana at "yamato" i asked her again

Nagato: how are you here?, You are not built yet...

Yamato: don't you remember?, We have met once... in the depths of the ocean

Nagato: i... can assure you that i have no-

Memories of the world where she was once y/n came back

Yamato: now... Do you remember?

Nagato: yamato...?

Yamato: yes

Nagato: THE yamato!

Yamato: yes

Nagato: the one that sunk because hundreds of planes were overwhelming her?

Yamato: c-can you not say that...

Yamato was smiling nervously

Nagato: sorry about that...

Yamato: it's alright, but can you... Put the katana down...

Nagato: o-oh sorry again...

Yamato: ...

I put my katana in my sheath

Nagato: now... We need to get to azur lane HQ, can you make it yamato?

Yamato: of course

Enterprise pov

I was riding on top of one of my planes

???: Why don't you want to fight in the front lines!

(Not ash/alterprise)

Enterprise: I cant go into the front lines like that!

???: But my sister and friends!

Enterprise: you are making me very iritated right now... Can you stop...

???: Tch...

Enterprise: now where is wales

After i said that siren planes started to chase me down

Me and wales seperated, she said i have to be at the back lines with the other carriers

Of course having the same trait as enterprise but more controlled, i want to get into the front lines carefully

Enterprise: time to fly the plane

I started to get into the cockpit, and my plane started to do evasive maneuvers

The siren plane started to shoot its guns, and my plane rolled to the right to dodge the shots

After dodging to the right my plane did a roll again making the plane upside down

And my plane instead of going up, it goes down

The enemy planes are desperately searching my plane, taking advatage of this i tailed them, and started to shoot the planes


(How the heck did an A-10 get here... Let me fix that)



one by one, the siren planes were shot down by me and explosions shook the skies

(Is shook a word?, i just want to confirm this)

One last plane was still trying to evade my bullets

Enterprise: as enterprise would usually say owari da


And the last plane is down

In some wierd coincidence, there is a transmission from prince of wales

Prince of wales: [Hello....any....there ?]

Enterprise: [wales, do you hear me?]

Prince of wales: [enterpr...can...Air support!?]

Enterprise: [on my way]

Only the word air support was all wales needed to get enterprise to her place on record time

Prince of wales pov

Prince of wales: [Hello, is anybody there ?]

Enterprise: [wales... Hear me?]

Is that enterprise... I told her to- never mind... We will need as many allies as we can in this situation

Prince of Wales: [enterprise can you give us air support]

Enterprise: [on... Way]

Prince of wales: cleveland we are going to get air support from Enterprise

Cleveland: thats a relief...

Said cleveland while shooting at planes

Prince of wales: do you see anybody on your radar aside from sirens

Cleveland: none

Prince of wales: we only have three ships, including enterprise

Cleveland: wales watch out!!

I instantly look up to see a bomb from one of the sirens planes falling right at her

With very good reflexes i evaded the bomb and the bomb exploded under the sea

Prince of wales: thank you very much cleveland

I turned my guns to one of the siren mass produced battleships and fired


Prince of wales: we need to get back to the other shipgirls

(Boring chapter am i right) :)

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