Chapter Three

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We had locked eyes.
My heart raced, she shouldn't be able to see me. The girl smiled, making her way towards me. She wore a bright orange dress, the ends lined with a white silk. Her blonde hair grew to her shoulders, short springy curls covering her blue eyes. I was frozen in place as I felt my heart picking up its pace. But I don't think it had to do with the fact she could see me, no, something else was making me flustered. Her aura was bright, but not to the extent it should be. It was a green shimmer, one of the lightest ones I've seen.
She smiled, putting out her hand once she was in arms length. "Hello, I'm Nora. I'm assuming you're here for my soul?" She promptly asked, tucking her wild hair behind her ear. She looked up at my dark figure, her eyes filled with so much life for someone who was dying.
I tried to speak, but couldn't. It was as if someone had stolen my breath, and shrank my lungs. She stood in silence, returning her hand to her side.
"I see," She muttered, walking to her bed. "You know, I always thought the Grim Reaper would be more... intimidating." She chuckled, collapsing onto her bedsheets. Intimidating? I'm intimidating. What's this girl talking about? I was shaken from my thoughts by a laugh. "Oh don't look so hurt, I was only kidding."
I frowned, collecting myself. "My name is Lamia, and I'm here to release you." She huffed, shaking her head. Her demeanor had shifted, I began to worry that I had upset her. "I'm really gonna die soon, huh?" I nodded.
"But I'll guide you, I promise it won't be scary." I whispered. My lungs felt collapsed, seeing such a beautiful girl in so much agony. "You know, I refused to do chemo." She stated, seemingly out of the blue. I stared, listening intently. I wanted to hear every word she had to say. "I've got nothing to fight for here," She continued. "My parents are a bunch of bums, they don't care. And my nana stopped visiting me weeks ago. It's just me here."
My heart weeps for her soul.
"Well, I'm here. I'm here for you, Nora." She forced a smile, tears forming. She patted the spot on the bed next to her. "Come, sit." I glided over to her frail figure, sitting next to her. She then, to my surprise, hugged me, burying her face in my cloak. I had never in my whole creation been hugged. Not once. My cheeks flushed red. What was this feeling? I shifted so my cloak covered her back, hoping to sooth her pained soul. Her small body clung to me, like I wasn't the one here to reap her soul. I closed my eyes.

She was warm.

I sighed, embracing her as she sobbed. "It's not fair. It's just not fair." She wept , her tears absorbing into my dark cloak. I stroked her hair, which smelled of lavender and soap. Oddly, it was calming, despite the situation. We sat together, clinging onto each other's bodies. Our hearts racing in sync, a pattern of dismay and loss.

I was warm.

For the first time, I felt something. Something small, but powerful. It wrapped around me, like my cloak had done so many times before. My breath hitched in my throat, only releasing with each sob she took. My heart fluttered in its cage, desperate to hold her. What is this? Why do I feel so sad? This is her soul, not mine. What was so different about her? I pondered this as she cried out. I had done this thousands of times, and yet she was different.
Please, stop crying. I glanced down, looking helplessly at her small form. I needed to distract her, make her as comfortable as possible, it was my job after all. She looked up, eyes puffy from crying. "You make me feel safe." She whispered, tears still running down her face. I blushed even harder, my face heating up. Her face turned a deep crimson, and she looked away. "I'm sorry, you're here to collect my soul." She muttered. We sat there, holding each other, our bodies heating with our faces.

We were warm.

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