Chapter Five

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"Tomorrow is her release date."
I flinched at those words. Tomorrow? No, it couldn't be. I felt my body go cold, my heart jumping around my chests. "Tomorrow?" The words left my lips as a whisper, I was in complete disbelief. "Yes, tomorrow Lamia." I shook my head, Silas's words sinking in. Beg for more time. We need more time. My thoughts began to run a million miles an hour, filling my brain. I tried to speak, but found my throat to be bone dry. "You've been assigned to release her, remember?" I managed a small nod, trying not to blow my cover. I felt my sweat drip down my back. I was panicking. I've never panicked. I've always been cold and collected, that's why I was assigned the difficult jobs; the ones no one wanted. And yet I scrambled for something to say, to protest this news.

"Is something wrong, Lamia?" Silas whispered, leaning in. His usual whimpering self had vanished in my newfound state, and he had acquired a new menacing presence. I Shook my head, my eyes lowering to avoid his glare. Somehow, Silas had taken an assertive stance against me, and I was terrified. Maybe it was because this time, I had something to lose.
Well, more like someone.
"Could it be, you've fallen for your client?" I couldn't breathe. My breath caught in my throat, which had seemingly closed on me. He sighed. My silence had confirmed his suspicions. "You know, that's a great offence."He hissed, leaning back in his chair. I need to speak. My hands shook, terror seemingly replacing the blood in my veins, adrenaline coursing through my body. My eyes widened with the sudden realization of what was happening. He chuckled, standing up. "I've already contacted the higher ups, they'll be there any moment for her soul."
I sat up, my fear etched in my face. "Please," I begged. I've never begged, I always viewed it as below me. But this was important, not for the sake of my soul but for our soul. I felt one with Nora, I couldn't breathe without her anymore. I needed her. In the two weeks that I had been with her, I've never felt more alive. I've never felt alive.
"She's doing chemo now, didn't you hear?" I gasped out, gaining my voice back. Silas rolled his eyes. Rage bubbled up in my chest at his disrespect. "So what if she's doing chemo now?" His words jabbed at my throat, causing it to close again. I struggled to speak. "You have a job, and you're letting mortal emotions get in the way." Tears brimmed my eyes, threatening to fall. "She wants to live, Silas." I warbled, gripping my cloak. Don't do this, please. My arm burned, I needed to see Nora. "If you're not willing to do it, then they will." He hissed, grabbing my now burning arm. "We're doing you a favor." I tried to pull away, but his grip was tight. My arm was scorching, and I screamed. His nails dug into my flesh, tearing into the heated burns. His skin sizzled at the contact with mine. He flinched, but just for a moment. I knew it hurt.
I yanked my arm in desperation, I was running out of time. The burns had spread to my elbow, the feeling of molten lava creeping up. Silas tugged, resisting my attempts. Suddenly, I stopped pulling, and instead I pushed.
Silas's screams pierced my ears as I pressed my arm to his face, the smell of burning flesh filling the room. He let go, clawing at my disfigured arm. The pain made me see white, but I had to maintain consciousness. I need to see Nora. I got up, Silas's figure had gone limp beneath me.
Shaking, I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the now present image of his mutilated face in my brain. "Nora." I croaked out, feeling the room get tipsy. Nora, I'm coming.

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