Final Chapter

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The room spun and twisted, I felt sick. Nora, think of Nora. I slowed my breathing, and did my best to tune out Silas's moans of pain. Slowly, everything died out. The smell of blood quickly filled my nose. I opened my eyes, and I frantically looked around the hospital room, she had to be here somewhere.
The room was empty, her bed tossed to the opposing wall. I noticed the decayed flowers had also been disturbed, the few vases had been shattered.
"Nora!" My voice cracked from the screaming. Please, not yet please. I was shuffling through her bedsheets when I heard a response. "Lamia!" She shouted, bursting through the backdoor. The glass door swung open, slamming into the cream colored wall. I opened my arms, letting her run into me. Glass had shattered off the door, covering the hospital rooms dull tiles. Bloody footprints covered the floor as she made her way to me. A sob bubbled up as I held her soft frame, running my hands through her wild curls. The calming smell of soap filled my nose, covering the familiar scent of blood. She cried in my arms, clinging onto my cloak. "I'm so sorry, Lamia, I'm so sorry." She hiccuped, blood covering her dress. It was a deep green, her favorite color. "It's ok, Nora," I whispered, calming down. "We'll be able to clean your feet." She shook her head, now seemingly relaxed in my arms. Soft sobs escaped her throat, muffled in my cloak. I looked down, noticing the blood had continued to pool around us. Concern filled me, how much blood can humans lose? Surely this is too much. In all my years of accompanying brutal deaths, I had noted humans bleed out quickly. Small cuts where not enough to do this amount of damage, and produce this much blood. I started to shake.
"Nora?" She had stopped crying. Footsteps crunched the glass before me, and I watched as Three Reapers entered the dark room. My grip on Nora tightened, I wouldn't let them take her.

To my surprise however, they stood there In the shattered doorway, unmoving. I cursed knowing they could easily overpower me, three to one. But they just watched, one shaking his head. He held a scythe, a dirty one at that. Crimson colored blood was dripping from its sharp blade, joining the pool on the floor. It was fresh.
Fresh blood.
That's when it hit me.
"Nora?" I panicked, pulling her to face me. She was pale, her eyes fluttering open. "Lamia." She whispered. I cried out, my body going cold. "Nora!" I sobbed as I removed my cloak, draping it over her stomach wound. Blood was seeping out, covering my cloak. I sobbed, and I begged.
Suddenly A wave of calm crept over my cold figure, a cloak had been draped over my shoulders, and the Reapers mumbled their condolences. The tallest one leaned over, and crouched down next to me. His frame was wide, and I could tell he was much older and more experienced then me. "Make the right choice." He whispered. His calloused hand sat on my shoulder as he stood. "We're sorry for your loss." He mumbled. One by one they disappeared, heading home to the silent realm.

My dark hair was matted with Noras blood, but she still twirled it in her fingers, bringing me back to my horrid reality. She managed a faint smile. "It's ok," she breathed, holding my freezing hands. "I'll be ok." I shook, pressing my forehead to hers. "Please," I begged again. "At least let me go with. You make me feel warm." I cried out, pulling her close. "I'll be so cold without you." The cloak around me tightened at my words, almost comforting me. Suddenly, a heat flowed within me, surrounding us. A faint blue seeped into my vision, flowing around our bodies. It hovered over us, dipping down to graze our hands.Our auras had molded together, Nora let out a weak laugh. "Your aura is a pretty blue, Lamia." I smiled as I wiped her eyes with my hand. I could feel my presence on this earth fading, along with Nora's. "Our aura is a pretty blue, Nor." She sighed, her blue eyes closed. I held her close, our souls dancing together, bodies becoming one. Warmth flowed through my veins, and I closed my eyes. I felt Nora's presence with mine as we danced, our cold bodies holding hands.
And yet, we were warm.

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