Finding my mates

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On the walk to school I felt someone watching me. I turned around to see no one. I walked a little faster. After ten minutes of fast walking I had to slow down. Ya ya I'm a werewolf and all..... but I'm lazy. So no dissing on me.
I turned back a round to see a black truck. Well some call it a truck I call it heaven. The wheels were sooooo shiny and it was lifted. My dream car. Who ever owns that truck is not going to for long I will have that truck. It will be mine, as soon I as I find out why it is following me. I stopped walking and waited for it to catch up to me. As soon as it did they rolled down the window I saw two sexy, smoking hot beasts. One driving that other in the passenger seat. They looked like twins. Your probably all like.   Why so many twins  why triplets  well we are part wolf so there is two things wolves have many pups in a liter and adult wolves are almost as doing 'It'. Sooo.   Anyway.  

They looked so alike they could be the reflection of the other. I then realized that those hot sexy beasts are my mates. At the same time they said "mine" while looking me in the eyes. They pulled over the rest of the way and the diver pulled me into the truck and push one one of those pressure points on my neck. Blackness soon took over my vision and the last thing I heard before I went into the unknown darkness was " we finally have you our precious mate and we don't plan on letting you go even tho you are human."
A/n she is a werewolf you'll just have to read the next chapter to find out why they think she is human

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