The big day

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I was siting on my bed, while slipping on my shoes. They are black lace up boots ,luckily with  what I call a "cheat zipper." Being the lazy werewolf I am, I hate untieing my boots every time I take then off. With the cheat zipper on the slide it makes getting then on and off way eazier.  Makes since right?

Anyways, it was the first day at a new school with a new pack.  So naturaly on the first day I  have to look the sexist I've ever been.  So the outfit I put on after my shower ealier was blacked  ripped skinny jeans with a black shirt that says " we will change the world"  all topped off with my favorite red flannel tired around my waste.
I go down the stairs to the kitchen to have breakfast with my wonderful family. I have a rather large family. I have four older brothers the oldest are Ryder  and Ryker  they are both 17 and twins and they look so much alike the only difference is Ryder has a scar on his jaw form jumping off a car when he was five and yes I said jumping off a car don't ask...

Then there is Bram, Bryce and I, my name is Skyler and we are  known as "oh shit its the triplets."   Well it seems to be what everyone says when we walk in.  All my brothers are really protective over me. Which I find stupid,I can take care of my self. I don't need a anyone to do it.
I probably could take on all my  brothers furry hides  if I wanted to. They will never agree with it though we all know it's true. Not only am I the undefeated MMA fighter in my last pack, I'm also secretly a super cool, butt-kicking, diligent ninja.

I dont get why they are so protective. It's so bad that if anyone looks in my direction in a slightly wrong way they get punched in the face. There was one time a freshman had a contact stuck in his eye and he made a weird face trying to get it out. Well he happened to make that weird face in my General driction and they yelled at the poor kid. Ever since I've only seen him wear glasses since.

Updating this book. It's gotten so many likes and views I thought I would spice it up a bit. Give it a little flare here and there
I have no idea how often I will do this but please note while in the transition phase the names will be a little off.   I changed cody to Ryder and Cole to ryker

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