girl problems

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list of girl problems that i as a girl have had to face, but not all girls.

1) wanting to wear something you really like but fearing being slut shamed or told to go home.

2) catty girls

3) having boobs and hitting them on something

4) perIODS

5) cramps

6) being hormonal all the time

7) reading smut and feeling desperate

8) boobs getting in the way

9) feminism is such a misundersood subject that to this day, it's STILL about men.

10) wanting to eat junk food and then remembering that you want a beach body

11) having the idea that skinny or slim is the only thing good for your body

12) being called a bitch for speaking before spoken to

13) boys having no sense of privacy and invasion and scaring girls:

this kid at my school was like: "I touched a Spanish girl's ass today." Then someone asked him who it was and he said, "Haha idk I just touched her ass."

14) when the guy you like starts showing fuckboy signs

15) guys expecting us to look like Victoria's Secret models when they look like a bag of potatoes dressed in camel poop


"will i be pretty?"

"you will never be pretty. but you will be pretty smart, pretty confident, pretty courageous, pretty brave, pretty amazing."

(i got this idea from a quote i saw ima try to find it)

17) wanting to make out with every hot person in sight but but then you realize that you feel ugly asf(even tho u hot to me)

18) once this girl i hate spread rumors that i was lesbian and that i was dating my best friend but then i turn around and she acts like she didn't say shit

19) why do girls always stress about wanting boobs or wanting their period? like why the hell would you want more fat on your chest or terrible pains once every fucking month?

20) boys thinking that us girls dressing up and putting a lil makeup on is still for them.

21) boys only noticing you or liking you once you got dressed up and you had a crush on them. like nah b, if you didn't notice me back then, but you notice me now that i got my fake gucci on, you're not worth it.

22) girls trying to say that they're rich in billions but really they're only rich in india (u know who i mean holly )

23) girls complaining about skinny shaming when overweight girls actually don't feel great about themselves because society has made skinny the only thing that's good

24) when you're black with braids and all the white girls with long hair are considered pretty bc tbh i'm tired of this basic ass white model thing y'all need to see that black people are hot asf just look at blackout friday


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