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This isn't really a ship book, it's about friendship so em- let's just go with it
And im gonna use pov's now.
And it's the kindergarten AU so um yea

Edd's pov
I heard ms.(insert teacher name) said that there is gonna be a new kid, and he's from norway.
"kids! the new student will be here and be nice to him." the new kid came in, well he had caramel brown colored hair and silver eyes
He wear a red hoodie with a robot logo in it(i think that's what he was wearing. Like i said "THINK") and a black short jeans(again. I think that's what he was wearing) and he had a robot toy and he looked cute..i mean really cute
"introduce yourself!" "h-hi? tord..! Im 5 years old and im like robots!" so the new student's name is tord huh?well tord had a really trick(is that how it spell?) accent, Norwegian i think i mean he's from norway "alright tord sit next to edd, edd rise your hand" the teacher said, i rise my hand and tord came and sit next to me "tord i guess?" i said "yep!" tord said "well...wanna be friends?" i said "sure!i mean i don't have friends.." tord said, i feel bad for him. "awe that's bad..but welcome to our friendship group!"

Tord's pov

Well i guess edd is my first friend. But wait what did he mean by 'our'?
"what do you mean by 'our'?"
"oh that, i have two other friends and we made a friendship group!"
"wanna meet them?"
"i would love to!"

(time skip becuz yez)

Edd hold my hand and led me too the place where i can meet his friends

His arm is warm..and it's comfortable..

"guys meet my new friend, tord!"

So this is edd's freinds?
Well they seem to look cool

One had brown colored hair and the hair was spiky and he hold a teddy bear

The other one had ginger hair and he had a square chin which i find it weird and cool

"is this the new student?" the boy with spiky hair ask
"yep, his name is tord"
Edd's friends gave a 'oh' noise

"tord this is tom and matt" edd pointed me to tom and matt

"ohh- well hi there..!"
I said shyly

"hey, you sound funny, are you from somewhere?"
"that's cool!"
"nice robot by the way."
"thanks.nice teddy bear tho"
"you're welcome and thanks! I call it 'tomme bear's'"
"that's cool!"

"hey! im right here too!" matt said

"oh right.sorry matt" i hugged matt and he hugged me back

Edd's pov

I felt angry when tord hugged's not fair! I random hugged tord and tord hugged me back, matt still hugging tord(no matt isn't inlove with tord) and tom join in

(another time skip)

It has been 1 month since mine and tord's friendship

Wish i could date him som-

Wait is that crying?

It sound like tord's crying..

I followed the way and saw Eduardo having tord's robot toy

"g-give it ba-ack!"

I got i punched Eduardo's face

"get lost."
And so Eduardo was shocked

Eduardo was cutted off then ran away

I picked tord's toy and gave it too him

"thank you edd.."
"you're welcome!"

Tord kissed me on the cheek. I was a blushing mess now.
But it felt. Good tho

Really good.

A/N: this.this is the most longest chapter I've ever made-

Anyways did you like this?
Yes or no?

Sorry if it had mistakes T^T

Anyways goodbye have a nice day or night!



Words: 644

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