Ch. 3.1 // Arrival

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     A large arch that looked as if it were carved from some mammoth of a beast came into view. It was bigger than Lee remembered and was much more decorated than before. He looked back at Axel and couldn't help but smile wider. Axel was completely enthralled with everything he was seeing. Lee tried to remember the last time he had actually brought any of his kids to the tribe grounds and felt a stone fall in his stomach. The last time his paws graced the dust the pups were just babies, and the majority of them weren't even thought of yet. It had been around 20 years since he had seen his family on his old turf, he figured. There wasn't much room for sadness or reminiscing as Lee quickly discovered.

     Two wolves trotted up to the newcomers and smiled wide. A female around Lee's age, if a bit older, and an elderly wolf with kind eyes. The younger hugged Lee immediately and wagged her tail in a blur. "Lee! It's so great to see you again. I felt something stir in the forest and was worried you would be late." She said. The little mint colored wolf looked him over and fussed over him, but after finding no harm had come to him she focused on Axel. She grinned and gave a gentle hug to her nephew. "And Axel, how are you, dear?"

     He laughed and hugged her back enthusiastically, "I'm just fine, Aunt Misty!" He wagged his tail as well, happy to see his aunt in her home this time. "We did run into a bit of trouble I guess. I think we got separated somehow." Axel said, trying to recall what had happened. He realized he couldn't tell anything other than that he happened upon a perfect patch of herbs.

     Misty looked between Axel and Lee for a moment and then cast a glance over at Ashe, who had no clue what was going on. She finally decided to corner her brother about it later and put a smile back on, ushering the pup to his waiting grandmother.

     "Axel, darling. It's so good to see you. You've grown so much!" The old wolf said as she hugged him gently.

     "Gramma Ivory!" Axel said, seeming more and more like a puppy in Lee's eyes the more he reacted to seeing everyone. It brought a smile to his face to see him like that again.

     Lee watched his mother, the old rose-colored wolf who took so much care in keeping the family together, and wondered if he had done the right thing keeping his children so far away. He shook his head of that thought path and hugged his mom. "I know, it's been too long." Lee said softly. He pulled away to see a sad smile on her face.

     "I know you have a lot going on, Chrom. Or, well... it's Lee now, isn't it?" She said. She didn't have any judgment in her voice, but it still made Lee feel bad.

     "Y-yeah. It's just a little easier on me around the farm. Anyway! I brought some fresh fruits and veggies for everyone. Thought they might be welcome at the celebration!" He laughed, trying to hold back any negative emotions. Luckily for him it worked and everyone started picking through the produce curiously.

     The peace didn't last long as two wolves joined the group, but they didn't look as happy to see Lee. A stocky brown wolf strode up and crossed his arms across his muscled chest. He snorted his greeting and looked up at Lee, being about a head shorter than the tall farm wolf.

     "Chrom. Nice to see you around here, finally." He said. The wolf beside him chuckled a little, but added nothing. Lee looked over to see his wife, a shrewd looking woman with light gray fur and evil looking orange eyes. She twirled her white hair in her paw, eyeing both of the newcomers.

     "Copper, Trina. Nice to see you both. You know my son, Axel." He said in a short tone. Lee was never happy to see his brother. He'd completely forgotten about his wife as she never really showed up, but it was a special occasion. He thought he'd poke around the barrel for once, "So, You and Trina have a few pups for the joining or?"

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