Chapter 10

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I sit on the settee waiting. My knee shaking nervously. It's quarter to two now. We are supposed to leave now. Not that I want to get there on time or early and face whoever's there. I check my phone again. Why did I check it? He's obviously driving so how would he send a text? I knew I should've gone with him, but I weren't ready.

Of course, I wasn't ready. I stand up and feel my feet walk as my mind continues to run away from me. I mean, my family aren't known for being forgiving or subtle. They have constantly tried to make Molly seem the superior of the grandkids. What if they try something again? Maybe I should tell them to go on without me. It'll probably be better for Mack and Lola if I weren't there. I cause too much drama by showing up. I should just tell Corey to not pick me up.

Arms wrap around me as I'm pulled into a hug. I inhale Corey's scent when I hit his chest. "Stop worrying. It'll be fine." He whispers rubbing my back. "Now let's go. Charles and Harmony are in the car waiting."

I slowly nod and grab my bag as I'm led to the car. Both Harmony and Charles reassure me when I get in and they all stand with me when we arrive at Mack's new place. Charles and Harmony go in first and Aunt Mila's voice can be heard asking who they are and why are they here.

Mack pulls me into a hug when he sees us. "How are you doing? Lola was really worried the other week then didn't tell me anything else."

I give him a thankful smile, "I'm good. You know how bad customers can get." Mack doesn't look convinced and leads us to where Molly and Aunt Mila are grilling Harmony and Charles. "I better stop them. Lola looks fuming and they haven't noticed you're here yet."

I place a hand on his arm stopping him. "I've got this covered. If they think they can attack my best friend they've got another thing coming." Mack sighs but lets me. Molly spots me first and her eyes narrow at me. However, I don't stop till I'm next to Harmony.

"Hey, Lola is over there. I'll be over in a minute," I tell Harmony stopping whatever tirade Aunt Mila was on. Charles takes that as his cue to leave but Harmony doesn't budge. "Seriously, I'll be fine."

"What are you doing here? Do you know how rude it is to interrupt someone? How rude it is to show up unannounced?" Aunt Mila snaps.

"Firstly, I was invited. Secondly, you were just having a go at my best friend. Thirdly, you always show up unannounced. So, forgive me if I decide to that what you are saying isn't worth listening to," I tell her then lead Harmony away and over to Lola. She hugs us both tightly.

"Thank god you stopped her. I was about to start shouting at my mother-in-law and we both know how that would end," Lola says with a small laugh. Martha, Willow and Freya come over to greet us as Molly and Aunt Mila join with my nan and mom following.

"So, we just going to forgive her like nothing happened?" Molly asks. "She decided to cut us off."

No one answers her. No one even acknowledges her. Harmony smiles at me and I resist the urge to smile back. I can see her stare my mother and nan down, telling them to back her. She even tries my sisters. The only person backing her is her mom, yet that still makes me angry.

"Oh, you mean you making up lies about me and trying to make me insecure. To what? To hide your insecurities? Or is it just plain and simple jealousy. We're adults know Molly we don't need to keep trying to one up one another. There's no competition to be won," I say, surprising everyone and myself at my calm voice.

Molly glares at me. She takes a step closer to me. "I'm not jealous of you, nor am I insecure. I just see you for who you are. You can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. You have always done your best to outdo me. Then you flaunt it or make a big production."

I just let out a sigh and shrug at Harmony. I didn't come here to fight. I came here for one reason only. Mack and Lola. I turn to Lola with a sad smile, "Sorry for bringing it all up when you obviously want us all together."

Lola stands up shaking her head at me before giving me a warm hug. "How can you stand here and apologise when you've done nothing wrong? You didn't bring anything up. You defended yourself. You even backed down just to apologise to me for the arguments."

Molly huffs and walks off. Aunt Mila shakes her head at us then follows her daughter. I think they know they won't be listened to here. We stay and mingle for a while, making sure I still greet Uncle Nathan and Ryan before they go follow their wives.

When we all get food from inside and we're all together Mack and Lola grab our attention as I can hear Molly, Ryan, Aunt Mila and Uncle Nathan walk back outside. Lola nods to Mack, "If you would all like to go over and have some cake, we've brought on the table over there. You will find a secret message."

My sisters and Willow get there first, and they all look at each other and squeal. I am surprised since Bri doesn't make that sound. When I reach the cake Corey's arm is wrapped around me. On the cake is an edible picture of a baby scan with the words surprise above it. I stay stunned before I go over and hug the parents-to-be.

"Congratulations, I'm so happy for you both," I say while hugging Mack. Corey congratulates them both then we head to some deck chairs laid out.

I lean my head on his shoulder and watch my family rejoice the new addition. I know nan is happy, she has been wanting a great-grandbaby for so long. Mom and dad also look happy about it. Molly seems happy but there's a sadness in her face.

I know she's always wanted to be a mom. I just hope having her little brother become a parent first isn't hurting her at all. She may not be nice all the time but she's still family, I still care and love her. I just hope there's nothing going on that would make this news painful.

Everything seems calmer now and I feel like I can actually forgive them all for their mistakes. People do everything for a reason. Big or small. Whether it be hurt, anger or forgetfulness. Whether it was meant for you or not. But the peace I feel now sitting in silence with Corey and watching people I care about be happy, is the most I've felt in a long while.

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