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"KARAZHAN!" her mother shouted into the phone, making Kara pull it away from the ear, she had been expecting Rebekah's voice not her mother's. "You and Niklaus missed the ball. You two promised you'd be here." Kara couldn't help but feel terrible for missing the ball, but before she could respond she heard shuffling on the other side of the line.

"Karazhan Anya Mikaelson! Where are you? Did you know I had to dance with Damon. Damon— of all people. And Elijah is being a sodding dick —" "language" Esther cut in, before pulling the phone from Athena's hands and placing it on the table on speaker.

"Niklaus and you better get home, now." Kara rolled her eyes but before she could speak, the phone was grabbed from her.

"Niklaus is on his way, now, I got to take my beautiful wife away on our honeymoon. So, sod off." Stefan spoke into the phone, mocking their accents which made Kara giggle, before he hanged up and handed the phone back to her.

"Wife?" Kol said from his spot on the couch. "Did he say 'wife'?!" he stood, anger written all over his features, Henrik perked up from the piano at the word 'wife' being repeated in anger.

"Who's wife?" Henrik asked as he looked around his family members who were all in shock.

"Kara...she got married. To Stefan." Athena spoke softly and calmly, but her voice held sadness, sadness because she wasn't there to see her best friend walk down the aisle.

The door opened and in walked Klaus, he had a grin on his face, he was happy. Did he know about Kara?

"Karazhan got married." Finn spoke, his voice did hold anger, one of his sisters had gotten married and he wasn't there.

Klaus gasped loudly. "She did what?! When? Where? Who? At what time?" he let out dramatically fake, Elijah caught on and sighed.

"Did you already know, Niklaus?" Elijah asked and Klaus smiled and rolled his eyes. "'Course I knew, Elijah. You think I wasn't going to walk my sister down the aisle?" Klaus said as he walked over to the bar and poured himself a drink.

"You didn't tell us." Esther said, clearly hurt of her daughter's decisions. "Neither of you did, Niklaus." Klaus simply drank his drink, savoring the cold liquor burning his throat.

"Kara wanted it to be intimate. Small and sweet."

"I'm her mother."

"And I'm her best friend!"

"Oh, sod off 'Thena! I'm her brother. We had every right to be there. This 'ought to be bull." Kol cursed before he shook his head and started stomping to the door like a child. "If Kara wants to run off and get married, I will too!" Kol yelled out before he opened the door and slammed it shut as he walked out.

They stood there in silence before the door opened once more and Kol came in cursing his head off.

"It's bloody cold out there. I do it the morning." he spoke before he walked up the stairs, this time more calmly than before.

"Well, good night, family." Klaus smiled happily before grabbing the bottle of scotch and his glass, he then walked up the stairs, feeling giddy than ever.

Everyone else stood there shock and hurt by the turn of events but soon Athena pulled out her phone and started blowing up Kara's phone with pointless texts that got her no answers. By the time Kara received the messages was when she and Stefan were getting off the plane in Rome. When she turned on her phone it started blowing up with text messages, voicemails, and missed calls, she simply sighed and looked at the message Caroline had sent,

'I wish you the happiest years. I hope you find everything you and Stefan are looking for. I love you both, and I cannot wait to graduate so I can go visit you two!!'

Kara smiled at it before shutting off her phone and takings Stefan's hand. That night, they both forgot about their responsibilities back in Mystic Falls, they didn't care of anything and anyone, it was just them. Like it should've been all those years ago.

They couldn't be happier to finally be where they were now. But, once again, nothing ever last forever, right?

PUBLISHED: March 8th, 2022

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