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OVER THE COURSE OF ELIJAH'S LONG LIFE, he has come to believe that people are bound, forever, to those with whom they share blood. And while they may not choose their family, that bond can be their greatest strength or...their deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted Elijah for as long as he could recall. He has walked out and into his families lives a lot of times, yet, each time he left and came back, it never felt right. The only times they truly felt as a family was when they were human and when they were in...New Orleans. They hadn't been back their in what seemed to be three centuries. They had left a lot behind. The twins had felt as if it was all their fault, that night had been the night they thought Elijah was dead. But they both knew that Mikael was that stupid, he was saving his only weapon for the twins. New Orleans held a lot of good and bad memories for the family, some had been daggered and un-daggered, others got their hearts broken, some stood back and watched, and others only got tears for thinking of the city they once called home.

Elijah shook his head as too clear his thoughts, he looked up at the bartender that had asked him a question.

"Excuse me?" he asked apologetically, silently asking for her to repeat her past question. She smiled and shook her head softly before asking once again,

"What brings you to the 'Big Easy'?" the blonde bartender asked, as she grabbed a rag and started to wipe down the sticky counter.

"I used to live here." Elijah tells her before he's looking down at her chest — in a non rude manner — where he finds a sliver plaque with her name on it, Camille.

She looked shocked by his revelation, it was as if he had just spilled some dark secret. Camille, wondered when he lived here, so, she could help but ask,

"Really, when?"

"Oh, it feels like a hundred years ago." Elijah smiled at her, even though he was wrong, it felt as if not even a decade had past. He truly did miss his home here in New Orleans, maybe he could convince Klaus to stay afterwards.

"I just moved here myself." Camille told him as she held the rag in her hands, something had pulled her back, as if the pull — it had told her to come back — and well, she decided to follow her gut once again. "What brought you back?" she asked as she realized it was rude to space out when she was in the middle of a conversation.

"Well, my brother is here somewhere. And I'm afraid he's gotten himself into a bit of a bind. He's gone far as too drag my sister back here." he tells her, nodding, Camille refills his glass with the alcohol of his choice. Not bothering to correct him on saying 'my' instead of 'our', siblings could be possessive when it came to their family.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄² (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now