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      KARA REALLY WANTED TO BACK OUT. This had been a terrible idea. Why must she be so difficult? After she had clarified to Stefan that it was not Klaus calling but his wife, she really wanted to hang up the phone like a coward. How would Kara tell him that she was pregnant with his child? She could hear Stefan speaking to her but she wasn't processing anything. All she knew was that, she was pregnant, and that she started feeling like this a couple of weeks ago. So, she would narrow it down to being 1 and a half month pregnant. That's all she knew. But she also knew she had to come clean to Stefan.

But...instead she hanged up the phone and prayed to gods that he would take it as a hint and leave her alone. And well, it was Stefan, and he was a Salvatore, those didn't know how to leave anything alone. He called back a minute later and she knew she had to answer, so, she didn't. Until he called for a fourth time.

"Kara—" and she hanged up the phone.

The phone rang for a fifth time, and she sighed before answering.

"Sweetheart can you—" and he was cut off by Kara hanging up the phone for what felt as if it was the hundredth time.

He called once again.

"Karazhan for the love of god, do not hang up the phone." this time she didn't, she sighed and he calmed down. The anger from her hanging up each time slowly disappearing. "Care to tell me why you're calling on Nik's phone?"

"Because you don't answer me." Stefan sighed, he had been a bit mad at Kara for leaving him in Rome, but he had made it back to Mystic Falls not long ago.

"Kara— look I don't want to argue."

"Neither do I."

"You are afraid to tell me something. What is it?" of course he knew how she felt, the only times she hanged up the phone in a roll was when she did or had done something wrong and was afraid of admitting it.

"Stefan, darling, I think it's time you came to New Orleans." Kara had to come up with something to make him come. "I'm dying. I've been cursed." was what Kara was thinking of saying but she needed to be very emotional for that.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Stefan...I think, I think Nik has gotten himself into big trouble." Kara made her voice break, before a sob escaped her lips, Stefan frowned in confusion, Damon had told him that Klaus was in New Orleans because somehow, miraculously, the Hybrid had gotten a werewolf pregnant, so of course he didn't believe Kara.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄² (discontinued.)Where stories live. Discover now