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"PEACE I'M hungry." Her younger brother, Amaru spoke as his stomach growled.

"Mommy didn't get you no food?" Peace questioned softly as she picked up the toddler.

"No. She only got food for Mr. Mike and his kids." The toddler spoke lowly not realizing that he was being neglected.

Peace frowned her face as she looked at the younger boy in front of her. She was fresh off her eleven hour shift and now she just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. But she couldn't knowing her brother hadn't eaten since she left at one in the afternoon.

"What you wanna eat Bub?" She asked as she sat the little on her twin sized mattress.

The three year old's frown turned into a small smile. "Nuggets."

Peace just nodded and walked over to her small closet. She grabbed a pair of his gym shoes knowing the two would have to walk to the restaurant to get him something to eat.

Amaru yawned sleepily as Peace put on his shoes. He stared at her drowsily with his head tilted to the side as he blinked slowly, fighting his sleep.

"You sleepy stink?" Peace questioned lowly as she placed him on a jacket since it was a little windy outside.

She watched as the small boy shook his head 'no' before he yawned once again. She chuckled softly as she ignored the pain in her aching feet.

"Come on let's get your nuggets baby." Peace smiled softly as she picked him up. He buried his face deep into her neck finally relaxing at the skin to skin contact.

Peace looked down at the small watch her grandma had gifted her before she passed away. 12:35 A.M the clock read. Peace sighed softly as she tried to move her feet around in her tight work shoes.

Feeling soft slow breaths on her neck she looked down to see Amaru sleeping. She figured she would let him sleep until they got there, let him eat, and then go back to sleep on the way back.

"I'm gonna get you out of here Bub I promise." Peace spoke lowly as she kissed his cheek. The two exited her room as she slowly closed the door not wanting to wake her mother or her fiancé.

The duo slowly made there way to the front door exiting quietly. Just as the made it out Peace slowly walked on her sore feet beginning their twenty minute journey to their local McDonald's.

"My feet hurt so bad Bub." Peace spoke softly to the sleeping boy. "But I love you so much so this little walk isn't anything."

"I've been working so hard for your birthday Bub." Peace smiled as she kissed his cheek. "We're going to Disney Land. I can't wait to see your smile. I'm saving up for us to get an apartment stinky. Just me and you. No more mommy and Mr.Mike. You think you can hold on for just a little while longer?"

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