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"YOU A TRAITOR Ru." Peace spoke rolling her eyes fixing her hair as she got up from her bed.

"Look at her mad ass twin." Von laughed pointed towards her making Amaru laugh.

She rolled her eyes at the both of them before walking out of her room. She made her way to the kitchen looking through the cabinets to find something to eat. As she was pulling more seasonings out she felt hands wrap around her waist and some hard press down on her head.

"You gotta attitude P?" Von asked pressing his chin down on her head.

"Get off of me you bum." She spoke washing off the shrimps that she had thawed out.

"Ahhh yo' mad ass Peanut." He laughed. "You too old for that shit."

"I hope it's funny the next time you want your hair done and I put Nair in the shampoo." She fake smiled as she looked back at him.

"You ain't crazy." He laughed playfully mushing her face. "What you cookin'?"

"Chicken and shrimp alfredo." She spoke lowly as she began to season the shrimp. "Can you go to Walmart for me?"

"What you need?"

"Some heavy whipping cream. For the sauce." She spoke.

"Youn' use that shit inna' jar?"

"No. My grandma would always have me make it from scratch." She shrugged moving around with him still behind her.

"You need anything else while I'm at this store?" He questioned as he walked to the dining room to grab his jacket.

"Get me some of that cookies and cream ice cream." She spoke as she salted the water for the noodles.

"Ight. Come lock this door."

"I'll lock it when I'm done. Hold on." She spoke continuing what she was doing.

"Come lock the door P." He repeated. She sighed lowly. He'd always make her lock the door as soon as he left out or he wouldn't leave out until she was in his face to lock the door.

Peace rinsed the seasoning off her hand as she walked over to lock the door. "Hurry up so I can finish."

"Don't rush me. Lil bald headed ass." He playfully mugged as he walked out.

She locked the door before walking back to the kitchen to finish prepping the food.

DAYVON WALKED into the dairy section of the local Walmart as he looked for the heavy whipping cream for Peace. Once he found it he grabbed two of them before making his way to the register.

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