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"TWIN WHAT YOU tryna get your sister for her birthday tomorrow?" Dayvon asked Amaru as they walked through the mall

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"TWIN WHAT YOU tryna get your sister for her birthday tomorrow?" Dayvon asked Amaru as they walked through the mall.

"I don't know what to get." He shrugged rubbing his eye.

"Well you gotta think of some foe nem." Von shrugged looking down at Amaru. "Come on I heard females like this store."

They walked hand and hand into the PINK store. He was so glad they had on masks because the store was filled with people.

"Hello would you guys like a bag?" The employee questioned offering them a black tote.

"Preaciate it." Von thanked her as the two walked over to the underwear.

"Ew, I don't know what size she wears."

"Her ass ain't that big so it can be nun' too large." Von spoke grabbing a bunch of different panties in the size medium.

"Look at this slingshot Von." Amaru squealed holding up a red lace thong.

"Amaru." Von spoke before laughing. "That ain't no damn slingshot gang. Put that shit down."

Von grabbed his hand walked over to the jogging suits. He grabbed a few of them before making his way towards the bras and repeating the process. Peace's breast weren't the biggest so he just ended up getting a 34b.

"Come on foe nem." Von spoke to Amaru who was dancing in the mirror. "Grab those soaps and shit."

Amaru ran towards the soaps and lotions grabbing a bunch of sets to place in the bag. He made two more trips before he was finally done.

"I don't have enough money to buy all this." Amaru whisper-yelled as they stood in line.

"Make it enough." Von shrugged before laughing. "Keep yo' bread ima' buy it for you."

"I want pretzels Von." Amaru said rubbing his stomach as he looked down at the Auntie Anne's Pretzels across from the store.

"Hollon' wait 'til we done in here." Von spoke as they finally made it to the register. It took him about five minutes to place everything on the register.

"Ok your total is $630.96 will that be cash or credit?" The cashier as she place everything in the bag.

Von pulled out seven hundreds handed it to the cashier. After he got his change he handed it to Amaru before grabbing the bags.

"Come on Ru." Von spoke with his hands full of bags as they exited the store. "Come on let's get your pretzels."

AFTER ANOTHER TWO hours of shopping for Peace the two had finally made it to her complex. He looked in the backseat to see Amaru sleep making him shake his head. He grabbed the Chick-fil-A bags from the passenger seat before exiting the car. He opened the back door softly grabbing Amaru out before closing and locking the door.

He buzzed Peace's apartment number waiting for her to let him up. He clutched the gun on his waist looking around before he heard a click sound. He opened the door walking to the third floor to her apartment before opening the door.

He walked past Peace heading straight to Amaru's room laying the heavy boy down. He took off his shoes and jacket before laying the boy under the cover. He headed back in the front room to see Peace sitting down on the couch.

"Come here Peanut." Von spoke lowly as he stood by the threshold.

Peace slowly got up before walking over to Von. He opened his arms letting her step in the embracing him in a big hug.

"What's wrong P?"

"Nothing. I'm hungry." She frowned as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Here I got you some from Chick-fil-A." He spoke handing her the bag.

"Thank you." She spoke, her lips grazing his neck as she spoke. "You smell so good."

"Thank you Peanut." He laughed walking the to towards the couch. "Here eat yo' food mama."

"Open it for me." She spoke lowly nuzzling her face deeper into his neck.

He laughed lowly opening the chicken sandwich for her. He lifted the top bun adding the Polynesian sauce before holding it up to her mouth. "Here Peanut."

"What did you guys do today?" Peace asked as she bit into the sandwich.

"None went to the mall and shit. What you do?"

"Nothing really. I ordered a few things but that's it." She shrugged biting into the sandwich again.

"You look so pretty Peanut." He spoke softly running his fingers through her hair.

"Thank you." She spoke lowly as she finished the sandwich. "That was so good, I'm so tired now."

"Naw' P we finna stick it out 'til twelve." Von spoke running his hand down her back. "You got twenty minutes."

"But Von—"

"What I say?" He questioned dominantly softly wrapping his hand around her neck.

"I'm so tired Von." She spoke lowly putting her face back into his neck.

"Tired from what you ain't even do shit today."

"That's not the point."

"You ready for tomorrow P?" He questioned changing the subject.

"I want it to be over already." She uttered softly.

"Why you say that?"

"I never have good birthdays. I'm not really looking forward to it." She shrugged.

"Well this one gon' be the best one over Peanut." He spoke softly kissing her cheek. "You hea' me?"

"Yes." The soft voice spoke before she began dozing off.

"You don't listen P." Von laughed as he heard light snores. He picked her up, her legs immediately wrapping around his waist as he carried her to her room. He laid her under the covers before grabbing the spare house key from her dresser.

He walked out of the apartment, and downstairs to his car as he began grabbing the bags out of the car. He grabbed some designer bags from the trunk as he closed the door before locking it.

"It'll be cold as hell if I got caught lackin' tryna be a lover boy like I'm drake or some shit." Von laughed to himself as he walked back to the complex. He opened the door before walked upstairs to her apartment.

He walked in heading straight to her room to see her in a deep sleep snuggled up against the pillow that Von would lay on whenever he was over. He placed the bags neatly in the corner in her room, separating Amaru's presents from his.

He place the card that he had Amaru write in front of his gifts as he walked over to Peace's bed. He grabbed a stack of money from his pocket spreading hundreds all over her bed. He placed the last two stacks he had on him on her dresser as he grabbed his car keys.

"Happy birthday Peanut. Ima' see you later on ma'." He spoke softly in her ear as he kissed her cheek before walking out.



y'all still iffy with the commenting but y'all been showing me so much love so here y'all gooooooo.

i feel like i should turn it up next chapter this shit too sweet. what y'all think????????

anyways start commenting chile.

but until next timeee <333

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