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PEACE SAT UP softly as she heard paper falling off of her

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PEACE SAT UP softly as she heard paper falling off of her. She looked around the room to see gifts in the corner and two large stacks of money on her dresser. She smiled softly seeing hundreds all over her bed before shaking her head.

"What am I going to do with you Von?" She rhetorically questioned softly as she began to pick up the money. It took her about five minutes so gather everything, counting it as she picked everything. She lowly gasped as she counted out five thousand dollars.

"Oh my god." She spoke softly as she looked back over at the two stacks on the dresser. There was two stacks in both of the stacks, they were wrapped in bands that said 10,000 than both wrapped together in one stack that said 20,000. So all together he had given her forty-five thousand dollars.

"I'm really about to cry." She spoke softly feeling tears sting as she went through the bags. "Oh my gosh this is so pretty."

It took her about ten minutes before she was finally done look through everything. Wiping small tears as she read their notes. She walked into the bathroom hopping into the shower and handling her hygiene.

After she was done she put on a white sleeveless dress with a pink Gucci slide and purse set that she had gotten from Von. She started Amaru's bath water before walking into his room to see him sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"Happy birthday Peace." Amaru spoke lowly as he yawned.

"Thank you baby. Come on let's get you ready stink." She spoke softly kissing his cheek, grabbing his hand and walking him to the bathroom. "Get in while I get your clothes."

Amaru nodded sleepily as he began to take off his pajamas. Peace walked back into his room looking in his closet for him an outfit. Once she found one and shoes to match she walked back in the bathroom to see Amaru washing up.

She helped him repeat the process for another ten minutes before she helped him out. She helped him dry off and lotion his body before helping him put on his clothes.

"You look so handsome stink." She smiled putting his dirty clothes into the hamper. "Brush your teeth and come to the living room."

Amaru nodded as Peace exited the bathroom. She walked back into her room grabbing her phone, FaceTiming Von.

"Happy birthday Peanut." Von spoke softly as he answered on the second ring.

"Thank you Von, for everything." She spoke lowly. "What time are you coming over?"

"I can't come see you today ma." He spoke softly trying not to laugh as her smile immediately turned into a frown.

"But, Von you promised." She mumbled.

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