Chapter 1

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Hanna helped me with my bags as we made our way to the entryway, where I would see my father for the first time. Hanna told me I would love being here since there was so much to see and do, and that the weather was fantastic. “Okay, girly, let’s look for your daddy. “Can Y’all you see him?” she questioned. Not that I was in any hurry to find him. “Oh, there he is,” she said, nudging me. I looked over at a tall man wearing a cowboy hat standing near the fence. “Ok, girly, let’s go.” As we approached, he grinned at us. He is glancing at me while talking to Hanna. “Hey, sissy. How Was your flight?” he inquired. “It was good, long,” she says, laughing. Hanna turned back to me and introduced me to him. “Brian. “This is Susan, your daughter.” “Well, howdy, ma’am,” he says, holding out his hand to shake. I don’t take it. He stares at Hanna. “Ah! She’s not a handshake!” she says to him. With that, he swept me up and held me. ‘aaah.’ “I can’t breathe,” I said. Hanna grabbed him. “You big Goof, you’ve scared her.” “I’m sorry,” he tells me. “You don’t shake hands. How was I supposed to say howdy!” he exclaims with a grin. I look up at him. “My mum always says to use your words.” “Oh, yeah, ma’am. That’s true. Y’all mama was usually good at that.” He smiled. “Well, can we start again?” he inquired. I nodded alright to him, and he got down on his knees again, saying “howdy ma’am”. He extends his large hand to shake my hand again. “well now it’s either a handshake or a hug, little filly,” he says, smiling. I shook his hand. “That’s a start!” he says, standing up. “Can I take your bags?” he inquired. I nod my head. “Yes, please.” We passed through the double doors at the exit, and it was boiling. Hanna and my father returned my gaze as I ceased to pursue them. Hanna stares at her brother and shrugs her shoulders. “Girly, what’s got you stopping there?” “It’s too hot!” “Ya’ll get “I’m a used to that, honey,” she says. “Here, take your jumper off,” I interrupted her, whispering, “I have nothing else on under it!” “Oh,” she pauses. “Ok, come on.” She gets my luggage and we head to the restrooms. “Okay, girly, how about this?” she asks, offering me a skort and shirt to change into. We returned to my dad, who was still waiting for us. “Everything good?” he inquired. “Yep,” Hanna replies. “Where’s the truck?” she questioned him. “Over there,” he showed to the left of us. “Ah well.” She moves away, leaving us behind. “Is she always like this?” I inquired, gazing up at him. He chuckles, “Yes, ma’am, she is.”

We just followed Hanna to the truck. We didn’t converse while we walked to Hanna in silence, since I didn’t know what to say to him. He opens the truck door for us to enter, but it is the wrong entrance. I look at him like he looks at me. “Are you OK?” he inquired. “It’s the wrong side,” I reply, glancing at him; he laughs. “You’re in America now, kid. Everything is on the other side!” he says as he walks to the other side. He climbs in and opens the window because it is hot inside the cab. I gaze outside the car as we drive. I stare at everything we pass by. It’s differed from England; everything was bigger here, and he was also driving on the wrong side of the road. My father asked me, “So, what ya’ll do for fun?” I look over at him. “I did gymnastics but I can’t go anymore”. “Well, mama we have one nearby us,” he says. “She can go to Alexa’s old club.” “Ya’ll adore it. It has everything!” my father said, glancing over at me. “What else?” “What else do ya’ll do for fun?” “I draw I’m not as good as Mum, but she said I was getting better every day.” “We can go to the store and get some art for you on our way” he said. I shake my head. “No, I’m fine.” “Okay, it’s been a long day. Perhaps tomorrow?” he asks. “Yeah, maybe,” I reply. He continues gazing over at me as we drive, but he says nothing. He stares at Hanna, and she simply shrugs. A few moments later, I turned to Hanna and asked where we were heading again. “Ah, girly, we’re going to Nassau Bay. Don’t worry, ya’ll will enjoy it, I swear!” We drive through a town that appears unique and colourful. That is not something we see very often in England. As we continued driving through, and Hanna informed me that this was the local town. That we weren’t far now, yet her distance and mine were different. As we continued through more fields and trees, with a few buildings dotting here and there. We slowed and pulled into another lengthy road.

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