Wu-Jin x reader

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Smut + spanking - bxg

"It's the love shot."

It was the first school dance at hyosan high. Students were all so happy, it was this Friday and it would be at the gym plus the school field.

(It was currently Thursday.)

"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" Hyo-ryung said.

"Yeah me too!" Nayeon said getting off her phone.

"Are you going with anyone?" Hyo-ryung asked.

"Mm no, no one wants to go with me." Nayeon said disappointed.

"Yeah because of your attitude." Gyeongsu said budding in.

"Oh shut it shithead!"

Hyo-ryung giggled at the sight.

"I'm going with Dae-Su." Hyo-ryung said breaking the fight.

"What seriously!?" Nayeon said slamming her hands on her desk.

"Yeah he asked me yesterday."

"Aw thats really nice." Gyeongsu said.

You and Joon-yeong walked in laughing together.

"Hey guys." You said.

"Hi Y/n, hi Joon-yeong." They all said at the same time.

"Are you guys going to the dance tomorrow?" Gyeongsu asked

"Hell yeah!" You replied.

"Really with who?" (Nayeon)

"At the moment no one." You said making a pouty face.

"Aww it's ok Y/n, Nayeon isn't going with anyone either so you should be fine." Joon-yeong said.

"Aw thats a bummer Y/n, I thought Joon-yeong would have taken you." Hyo-ryung said disappointed.

"Um why exactly Joon-yeong?" You asked.

"Oh come on, everyone ships you guys." Nayeon said pulling her phone out to show you posts on Instagram of the two of you together.

"Eww ship?" Gyeongsu said cringing at the word.

"This is ridiculous!" Joon-yeong said grabbing the phone.

"Who even made this?"

"I-Sak and On-Jo." Hyo-ryung said.

"These brats." Joon-yeong said pissed.

"Hey guys!" Wu-jin shouted out. He heard the whole conversation annoyed on how his best friend was getting shipped with his crush."

"Oh hey Wu-jin." You said waving at him.

"Hey Y/n!"

"So Wu-jin, you going to the dance with anyone?" Joon-yeong asked.

"Um no why?"

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