018 ; urgency

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you shake your head, you had all just completed your final exams and the sun was shining down on you all, the soft breeze swaying your loose blond hair back as you walk.

"speak for yourself" ron shakes his head.

"all right there, harry?"

you turn to harry, he was, one again, holding his head, right were his scar is.

"my scar.. it keeps burning" he complains.

"it's happened before" hermione says.

he shakes his head, "not like this"

"perhaps you should see the nurse?" ron says to him.

"i think it's a warning. it means danger's coming."

your gaze shifts to ahead of you again.

you all stop as harry stops in his tracks, you turn to him.

"oh..of course!" harry's eyes widen.

"what is it?" you ask.

harry starts to speed walk over to hagrid, "don't you think it's a bit odd that what hagrids wants more than anything is a dragon.. and a stranger turns up and just happens to have one? i mean- how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pocket? why didn't i see it before"

you scratch your cheek,

that's true..

you all speed up and run over to hagrid, who was sitting on the steps of his hut, playing a flute.

"hagrid!" harry says as you all stop in front of him, "who gave you the dragon egg? what did he look like?"

hagrid shrugs, "i dunno, i never saw his face. he kept his hood up"

"this stranger, though. you and him must've talked" harry pushes.

hagrid looks up in thought, "well, he.. he wanted to know what sort of creatures i looked after.. i told him, i said 'after fluffy, a dragons gonna be no problem'"

you shake your head.

"did he seem interested in fluffy?"

hagrid shakes his head, "well of course he was interested in fluffy, how often do you come across a three-headed dog? even if you're in the trade."

hagrid smiles, "but i told him, i said" he nods, "i said 'the trick with any beast, is to know how to calm him' " he flicks the flute down as he talks.

"take fluffy, for example. just play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep."

you all exchange looks and gasps, hagrid furrows his eyebrows, "i shouldn't have told you that"

you all grin and run off, "where are you going?! wait-!!"

you wave behind your back, "sorry hagrid!!"



she was sitting at the desk at the front, probably grading exams.

"we have to see professor dumbledore. immediately!"

you all place your hands on her desk.

"i'm afraid professor dumbledore is not here. he received an urgent owl from the ministry of magic and left immediately for land"

"he's gone? but this is important!" harry says.

"this is about.. the philosopher's stone" he says, a bit quieter.

you nod along with him.

she looks at him with widened eyes, "how do you know?"

"someone's going to try and steal it!" he urges.

mcgonagall looks between you four, "i don't know how you four found out about the stone, but i assure you it is perfectly well protected. now, would you go back to your dormitories? quietly."

you shake your heads and walk out.

"that was no stranger hagrid met. it was snape" harry says as you all stop.

"which means, he knows how to get passed fluffy."

"and with dumbledore gone.." hermione adds on.

"good afternoon.."

you all turn around, revealing snape staring down on the four of you.

"now what would three young gryffindors, and one young slytherin such as yourselves.. be doing inside.. on a day like this?"

".. we.. we were just.." hermione stutters out.

"you ought to be careful. people will think you're.." he looks at harry with furrowed brows, "..up to something.."

you all watch as he walks off, his black cloak trailing behind him.

"now what do we do?" hermione says in a hushed tone.

"we go down the trap door. tonight.."

hermione turns to you, "meet us outside our common room after curfew"

you nod.



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words ; 690

date posted ; 09/03/22


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