w.i.p I thought I might share with you

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Jack pov:

Jack and Dave walked out of the safe room door when suddenly ever stopped.

3rd person pov:

3 robbers stood at the end of the hall, one had Steven at gunpoint, another was standing guarding the door to Freddy's, and the third was staring right at Dave and Jack. He ran towards the 2 Dave pulled Jack away, attempting to flee, but they didn't get far. Before they knew it Jack had the gun pressed up against the back of his head " Dave, don't worry, I'm going to be ok, it'll be ok" Jack said  panic, laced his voice "old sport, wait, I'll get you out of there!" he said quickly and just as he said it. *BANG*  Dave stood there stunned for a moment before Jack fell into his arms. Jack's body was limp, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. he was dead. Dave felt the rush of anger, sadness, confusion, fear, but mostly anger. " dropped the orange freak." the robber said. " I'll never-" *click* " f-fine" Dave said he wasn't gonna let the robber get away with this, he dropped jack the floor, his body limp. " now sit. " robbers voice was cold. Dave did as he said, not wanting to die before he could get his revenge. " now open, wide." not wanting to get shot still, he did as he was told. The robber put his gun in daves mouth. " any last words?" " Mhm. "Dave" said "and that would be?" Dave spat a muffled "mumk yoo" (fuck you) suddenly, he saw movement in the corner of his eye, he looked down to see to see Jack he looked at Dave from where he's laying on the ground and mouthed "don't tell him I'm alive" Dave blinked in response and just like that, Jack had gotten up kicked the Roberts legs out form under him taking the gun and among it at the man's head "guess I'm still alive prick." Jack spat ( I'm not gonna finish this, so just take this.)

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