Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Edited by KCAnne


To all my re-readers. Please don't give away to plot or tell them who the stranger is. Let people find out for themselves. If you want to skip ahead please don't spoil it for new readers. Love you all X

"Hello, Sinclair Incorporated. How can I help you?" I answered the phone in a fake happy voice.

My eyes flickered to the clock. Ten to five, damn it. Why did the phone have to ring now?

I was tempted not to pick the cursed thing up as I made a quick getaway out the office doors. I crept quietly to the doors but the loud ring disturbed my two troublesome bosses.

It was Max that had his head out the glass door of his office first. "Are you are not going to answer the phone?" he raised his eyebrow with a sceptical look on his face.

I let out a sigh at being caught leaving early, walk slowly to my desk where the phone is ringing. I wanted the person on the other line to hang up already.

I was close to the receiver when twin two decided to stick his neck out of the office. "What's going on here?" Marcus asked.

Max took a step out his office letting the door shut slowly behind him. He folded his arms in front of me, causing me to notice the bulge of his biceps underneath his white linen shirt.

I plonked myself back in the chair and answered the phone. My eyes flickered from the clock to the two most intimating bosses ever. I gulped as my green eyes took them all in. Max had undone a couple of his buttons so I was able to see a little of the dark curly hair on his chest.

I looked over to his right where his brother still had his grey suit jacket on but was sprouting a small one-inch Blackbeard that showed off his intense blue eyes.

They stood in front of my desk side by side. Identical twins in every way. But I'd learnt how to tell them apart.

The line went dead after my little greeting. So all that ringing was for nothing.

I kept the phone to my ear hoping that they do what they normally do and leave me the hell alone.

"Where did she think she was going?" Marcus asked his twin, his eyes looking darkly at my face.

"She was thinking of sneaking out early, brother." Max snitched on me with an easy smile undoing his shirt cuffs to roll them up his forearms as much as he could.

I nodded on the phone making all the appropriate noises of having a telephone call.

Marcus walked to stand next to my chair, my nose flared as I breathed in a chunk of his cologne.

"You were trying to rob us of your time," Marcus said directly to me.

I gasped sharply putting the phone down back on the receiver. "I was not!"

Max smiled over at me, his lips curling at the sides. "Brother, she thought to deceive us with that phone call."

I swivelled around in my chair to face Max. "Don't you ever stop snitching?"

Marcus pulled my chair out from the desk so he and his brother could stand in front of me.

I gulped, this was like high school all over again. Them following me; getting close within my personal boundaries.

"Why were you leaving early Natasha?" Marcus asked, folding his arms on his lap. "You did not ask my permission to leave."

I looked from one twin to the other unable to keep a hold on Marcus' intense blue-eyed stare. Max was always the softer one, even if he always told on me.

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