A day in Louise Life

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I sat on my parents sofa eating a bag of chips watching the television.

I can't believe how bad my life has turned out. One of my good friends turned out to be a pyscho, she shoots me and I loose my job because I was blackmailed to spy on them by James.

I found myself vibrating with anger seeing him walk down the red carpet with some supermodel.

"We have Mr Davroy here with the new Victoria secret model." Wendy Williams the chat show host said. "It has been rumoured that he helped the Sinclair twins three months ago in the shooting that happened."

A male presenter came on the screen dressed in an expensive suit.  Siting in the chair next to her. An old picture of James appeared on the side. "From what our sources gather. James was quite a hero. He helped save Sinclair employee. Who would have died if it wasn't for his help."

My old Facebook profile picture appeared on the screen. Behind the two presenters. It was with me and my sister grinning into the camera posing in the mirror doing a slut pose.

I grimaced at the sight of me. Couldn't they have found a better picture of me.

"That is her on the left." The guy stated as they zoomed in on me. "Sinclair has since released a statement thanking her for her loyalty to the brothers."

"What does this mean? Was there more to the case. Was she working with Tiffany Sinclair in order to bring down the Sinclair enterprises with Davroy?" Wendy asked the guy but her face was looking at the camera as she took a sip of her drink to place it back down on the table.

"As we know Wendy. All that has been speculation. Everyone at the top has been keeping tight lipped on what happen. But we hope that it will come out at Sinclairs trial." The guy said looking at the camera.

Wendy looked at the camera. "Word is Tiffany has been sectioned." She audience made some noises as Wendy have a side look to the cameras.

The guy nodded. "She has been seen by psychotherapist and they deemed her unfit for trial. However sources say the Sinclair brothers are unhappy with that decision and want her to pay for her crimes. They are now paying for another team of experts to assess her. They want her to stand trial."

"I think she should stand trial for what she did." Wendy turned her neck to look at the screen. "If you ask me. That girl knows more than she is letting on."

The guy laughed. "If you go through her Facebook. Louise was friends with Tiffany and Natasha. She is the one that links them all together."

"Thank you Colin." Wendy said looking to the screen. "We shall continue to keep you updated with this story as the news progress. Now let's continue with the rest out our hot topics hours. Suzanne!"

I clicked the remote to change the channel. They are still talking about what happened.

My side twinge at the place where Tiffany shot me. I reached down to touch the still sensitive spot.

Tears sprang to my eyes. I should have told Natasha that Tiffany was the stalker but James kept me quiet.

"In here stinks." My mum said loudly as she came through the front door. She opened the curtains and the window letting some fresh air come in.

I squinted my eyes at the ray of sunshine. "Mum...." I groaned. "Don't do that."

"Louise!" Mum stood in front of me blocking my view of the television. "You can't be living your life like this. Look what you done to my house."

I cocked my head to the side trying to ignore her. She doesn't understand what I been through.

"As soon as my compensation from Sinclairs come through. I'm gone!" I told her.

She moved out my way going to the end of the room. "I been talking with your father." She came back in my view with a black bag picking up rubbish off the floor to put in the bin. "We think you need help."

I let out a loud laugh. "You want to lock me up with Tiffany." I sobered up as the thought went through my head. "Actually please do. I need to teach that bitch a lesson."

Mum shook her head moving empty chocolate wrappers off the seat and into the bin before she sat down next to me.

"Lou," she wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "You need help dear. Someone to talk too."

I blinked back the tears that threatened to drop. "I'm scared mama."

"Sh...." Mum drawed me into her arms stroking my hair away from my face. "Lou it be alright. When life give you lemons."

"You make lemonade." I finished for her.

She patted my eyes with some tissue paper. "Now get up. We don't take any shit from people."

I stood up. My mum was right. Our family don't take any crap from people. I looked to the screen seeing another picture of James. It was him that ruined my life.

I made a vow then to ruin his.

End of Louise day

Xx kayla

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