Chapter 26

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Chardonnay picked up the gun putting it back in her bag. "We needed it for protection." She explained. "Three girls on the road. We needed to be safe."

Louise and Tiff nodded agreeing with what Chardonnay said, clearly not shocked by the presence of a gun. They must have been aware of it before hand.

"Why did you bring it to the barbeque?" Marcus asked his blue eyes not taking their eyes off the bag. "It is not very safe for you to do so."

Chardonnay nodded. "I agree. It was wrapped up in my pouch. I totally forgot it was there. I shall put it somewhere safe tonight."

Max looked to Marcus then back to Chardonnay. "There is a safety cabinet in the charming prince. You can put it in there."

"I make sure she will." Tiffany answered then pointed across the road. "There is our ride there."

I made out a battered old blue people carrier, with an old man sitting in the driver seat. I walked over to the girls evolving them in a group hug. "Thanks for coming down and supporting me."

"It okay." Tiffany placed a kiss on my cheek. "We had a good time today."

"Especially Chard." Louise nudged Chardonnay with her elbow waggling her eyebrows. "Cole looked very taken with her."

"I don't date Wall street Bankers." Chardonnay sniffed. "Plus he is such a playboy."

I didn't say anything to that, after seeing him with Chelsea earlier he must have been a player just as Chardonnay assumed.

I waved them off watching as they got into the car to take them back to the bed and breakfast. Marcus took my hand leading me to the car. I heard a Cell bleep Max put his hand putting his hand in his pocket taking out his phone for a moment. He swiped the screen reading a message then put it back in his pocket.

I could see a strain come across his brow. "What was the message?"

He opened the door for me to get into the car then walked around to the driver seat. "Nothing. Just some business I have to take care of when we get back home."

I squeezed over in my chair to make room for Marcus large frame. I could tell there was something more to the message but he did not seem willing to notify me at this moment in time.

Max put the car in gear driving us out of the street. "Did you have a good time at the party?" I asked them. They spent most of the time reliving the past with the football team and Marcus was talking to his old boxing buddies.

"Everyone looks older." Max looked shocked. "And Chelsea married Nerdy Nick. She use to bully the poor boy."

I laughed "I caught her making out with Cole in the kitchen." I told them.

Marcus shook his head. "Somethings will never change."

Max gasped. "Never... She is already cheating on her husband."

I nodded. "She begged me not to tell anyone... oops." I poked Max in the side. "And you don't say anything either. I will not break up a marriage."

Max gave me an innocent look. "Who me?" He winked. "I would never do so."

"Hold on brother." Marcus sat up more alert pointing to the left when Max would of take an right to take us home. "See if the store is open to get a Cell."

Max began driving in that direction. "I don't think so it is near midnight." Max began to drive by the store. The lights were off and the door locked shut.

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