01: Fired

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It was a busy Saturday morning, so there were lots of customers today at the café I worked at.

"Jungwon, clear the table 3 for a bit and then return to the register. I'm busy cleaning the other tables and taking orders." One of my co workers shouted as she held a tray full of food.

I nodded. This is my job after all. I left the counter and grabbed a cloth and a spray then walked towards a table, pumping the spray as I wiped it. 

As I made my way back to the counter, I spotted a friend of mine, Sunoo. He was a friend from my childhood days and we'd been close ever since. Though we barely see each other nowadays since we don't share the same department.

I planned to go and take his order, but I heard a loud shout from a part of the café. I walked towards the source of the noise since the customers seemed alarmed about it.

"Hey you!" Someone yelled. What? Me? Are they calling for me?

"You with the employee outfit!" I looked around and saw I was the only employee in the vicinity, so I sighed and walked towards the shouting customer.

"Is something seem to be the matter sir?" I asked. He scoffed and stood up, slamming his fist onto the table. "There is, and it's your stupid idiotic service around here! How can y'all mess up my order?!"

Ah, so it's this type of customer. Great.

I cleared my throat. "May I ask what was your order sir?" He looked a bit more annoyed now. "I asked for an unsweetened coffee. And your sandwich tastes disgusting. It's so vile that it takes like the dumpster!" He complained once more.

Well you must know a thing or two about trash since you are one AND the dump in the back of our café smells better than your deathly breath.

"Sir, I apologize but you finished three of the sandwiches that you claimed to be 'vile'. And I'm sure I got your order of coffee right." I stated. Even though I'm just an employee, this customer is definitely NOT right.

The customer seemed taken aback, like he was surprised that I replied in the way I did. But his face contorted into a mad look. He pointed his grimy finger at me, shouting once again. "How dare you talk back! Don't you know how to treat your customer?!"

You clearly don't know how to treat the employees as well, so yeah.

"I do know sir."

"Well if your such a know-it-all, why don't you know how this coffee tastes?" The woman who sat with the angry man, grinned and grabbed the coffee, pouring it all over me.

I gasped, feeling the liquid pour from my head to my clothes and body. The two just laughed like maniacs like they just won the lottery or something. The customers around us just looked and gasped as well, some whipping out there phones to take pictures and videos.

"What is all the ruckus here?" A very familiar voice said, and I felt the hairs on arms go up.

It was the manager around here, Mrs. Carson.

I turned around to see her crossing her arms and tapping the floor with her heels. Her face asked answers which I was too scared to answer.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that the angry customer looked at my manager. "Who are you?" He asked. "I'm the boss of this café, and may I ask what seems to be the problem here?"

"Well, your employee here did nothing but show us bad service. Getting the sugar in our coffee wrong, the taste of the grilled cheese sandwich. Everything." Obviously that was a lie, because 'thanks' to what the lady did, I got to taste the beverage and it was very bitter. But Mrs. Carson actually believed it and turned to me angrily.

"You little ram... You're. Fired." She said through gritted teeth. My eyes widened at that. Fired?!

"Ma'am-" "Save it Jungwon, you're fired and that's final." She grabbed my nametag and ripped it from my uniform. She grabbed my hat which was part of the uniform and threw it to the floor, stomping on it harshly.

This woman was like an animal.

She didn't even give me time to explain myself! I saw that the rude customers were grinning from ear to ear and I left the scene while holding in my tears.

As I walked to the back, Sunoo hyung catched up to me. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked. Oh I'm great, fine, fantastic! Thanks for the question.

"Yeah, totally..." I gulped and wiped some tears that were already starting to fall. Wrong timing!

"Don't worry, you don't deserve to work under that mean witch and serve rude customers like those two earlier." Sunoo hyung said, which made me smile a bit. I changed into my clothes and took my stuff before walking out of the café that I worked at for the past two years. But all I have now is one concern, knowing that I can't easily find another job.

How do I make money now?

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Chapter 01 complete

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