02: Sunoo

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*Knock Knock Knock Knock*

I groaned as I heard the loud banging on the door. I'm now used to it though.

I walked towards the door sleepily, rubbing my eyes as I opened the door. "Hello..." I said in a small tone, still having my morning voice. But the people on the other side just seemed to be more pissed than they already were.

"Where's our money, dipshit?" One of the men said in a deep voice. Why do I have to deal with them so early in the morning?

My parents weren't home right now, as always. They seem to be always away whenever these guys come to the house, almost like they know. I mean, I don't blame them for running. But don't you think you should pay for your own debts instead of having your son handling them? Still, they're my parents and I love them.

I also have no choice though. Because it's only me and my grandmother right now, and I can't let her get hurt. So I told them to wait and quietly went to my room, grabbing my secret stash of money inside a chest in a locked cabinet.

I unlocked it, grabbing the money and counting it. "One, two, three..." I counted by the thousands, and sighed in relief after knowing that there was enough and a few more left to begin saving again. I placed the money inside a paper bag and gave it to the loansharks, who seemed pleased. "Good, this'll do for now. But you better have all the money ready for our next visit" He warned and left.

Finally, I thought.

I closed the door slowly, careful not to wake my sleeping grandmother up. I walked back inside my room, sitting on the bed and burying my face onto my palms. I really need to find a new job...

I looked to at the nightstand where my phone laid, and thought about asking for help but shook the thought away. Just then, my phone rang and I quickly took it and answered without checking the caller ID.

"Good morninggg"

Ah, of course. Who else would call me so early in the morning.

"Sunoo hyung, why'd you call?" I asked as I stood up to go to the kitchen.

"I wanted to check up on you. Plus, don't cook anything. I'll come over and bring food!" He said over the phone.

"Aish, hyung you don't need to! It's not like we don't have any food in this house." I bitterly chuckled. Of course, what I said was a lie. My parents don't buy any groceries, saying that I'm a grown up now and I can do it so I can return the care they gave me when I was young. And since they are my parents, I believed them. My grandmother can't buy any food as well, as she was very sickly and can barely walk. So it left me to do most chores in the household.

"No Yang Jungwon! I'm coming over right now. See you soon bye~" He said and ended the call, leaving me sighing and just waiting for him to arrive.


After around 15 minutes Sunoo hyung came with take-outs in his hands. "You didn't have to buy a lot." I chuckled and he joined in. "Oh come on Wonie, I know your situation and just bought groceries too." My jaw dropped.

I knew Sunoo hyung came from a rich family, but he didn't have to just go and literally spend tons of money on the food I needed. "Hyung, you didn't have to." I said and helped him carry the food to the kitchen table.

Sunoo hyung just smiled. "Don't worry Jungwon-ah, just think of it as uh... A present for you and your grandma." He said. My heart warmed at his gesture and gave him a hug. "Thank you so much for everything you've done for me and my family hyung." I thanked him though realizing he left out my parents when he said the food was a present.

"It's no biggie, wonie. You're like a little brother to me, and I want to help you in any way I can. Now come on! Let's go bring some food to your grandmother and eat!" He exclaimed and all I could do was chuckle at hyung's actions. I was really lucky to have a friend like him.

We brought the food to grandma's room and I helped her to sit up on her bed. Thanks to Sunoo hyung's help, we were able to get proper treatment for her and she seemed to get better.

"So, Jungwon, how's work going?" My grandmother asked. My smile faltered and avoided her eyes. I could see Sunoo hyung was looking at me, probably telling me to tell grandma the truth. I managed to form a smile and look at her. "I... actually got fired yesterday. But don't worry! I'll look for another job as fast as I can." I assured her before taking another bite of my food.

"Ah I see..." She just nodded and also continued eating. Sunoo hyung cleared his throat and spoke. "You know Won, I know a friend who can help you find another job quickly. Why don't we go to his place after eating?" He suggested and I immediately accepted. He really helps me a lot during my downtimes.

My grandmother probably thought how a great friend he is too as she smiled at him warmly and thanked him. We finished eating, placed the leftover groceries in the right place then cleaned up everything before helping grandma to the bed.

I got ready in some comfortable pants and a shirt with a sweater vest. We went inside Sunoo's car that had a driver and it drove to a busy and rich part of the city. Of course, Sunoo hyung's friend must be rich too.

The car stopped in front of a building that had tons of glass windows. We got out of the car and inside the building as I followed hyung to his friend's room. We stopped in front of a door and he opened it, revealing a wide room with mirrors on the side and bright lights on the ceiling. Some people were in the middle of the room as music played from a speaker on the side of the room.

One of them must have heard the door open through the music because they turned around to see us. "Oh you guys came earlier than expected. You must be Jungwon?"

I nodded and he smiled while walking towarde us. "I'm Ni-ki, the owner of this building"

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Chapter 02 complete

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