05: Job Opportunity

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I went home that evening to find my parents on the couch watching the TV. Well at least they're home. Sometimes they won't come back for days -- the longest being a week.

Just then, I smelt something bad and immediately dropped the stuff I was holding and dashed towards the kitchen, seeing a cloud of black smoke surrounding it. I coughed as I turned the stove off and covered the burnt pan with a damp towel.

"What was that?" I heard my grandmother say as she went into the kitchen using her wheelchair. Both my parents went in too after a few seconds. My dad face-palmed and groaned loudly then faced my mom. "You stupid woman, why can't you do even your own job right? You women are supposed to cook! Not burn the kitchen!" He shouted.

My mom looked offended. "Who are you to tell me that, huh?! You don't even know how to cook!" She shouted back and pushed his head, which made dad even more angry. The two of them were starting one of their screaming matches again.

I just sighed and cleaned the mess up. After that I boiled some water and poured it over two cup noodles, stirring it with the seasoning using a chopstick. I sat down and gave grandma the other cup, which she took gratefully and started eating it with her chopsticks, which we both did and ate quietly while our surroundings weren't.


*ring, ring*

I sleepily grabbed my phone off the night stand and answered the call. "Hello this is Yang Ju-"

"Jungwon-ah! Listen to me, so you know about the guys we met yesterday?" Sunoo hyung began ane I sighed, tossing myself to lay on my back for a more comfortable position. "Yeah, what about them?"

"Well~ a friend of theirs are hiring!" He said excitedly. This woke me up completely and I sat up, slowly starting to feel the excitement. "That's great! What are they looking for?" I asked and it took him a while to answer.

"They're looking for a personal assistant that is 18+, can clean, can cook and make coffee. Doesn't need to have experience to get in. Male/Female. Needs to have resume and some identification to confirm age. Contact *********** @ *******.*** or go to Park Company and ask for Mrs. Cha. Must wear formal attire when meeting."

I am of right age, I can clean, cook and make coffee. I have documents to prove my age, and the Park Company is around the busy rich part of the city! I'm pretty much qualified.

"I'll give it a go hyung." I said with determination. Finally, a ray of hope.

"Great! I'll pick you up at 7:00 am sharp." He said then hung up. I quickly checked the time and it 6:30 am, making me quickly leave the bed and get ready. Thankfully I still have the suit Sunoo hyung gave me last year.

I said my goodbyes to grandma and my parents who were just scrolling through different channels on the TV. Sunoo hyung drove me to the Park Company and I was getting nervous. Sure, I had the qualifications and already practiced what I was gonna say, but it still made me nervous. Because this was an opportunity for me and I'm afraid I'd fail.

"Mister Yang Jungwon?" Someone said and I looked up from my papers. "It's your turn. This way please." She led me a room where a lady was standing there. She had thin glasses but that didn't stop the intimidating aura around her. I gulped as I felt my hands and knees shake from nervousness but I managed to sit down on the chair in front of her.

"So... Yang Jungwon right?" The lady said slowly. I nodded. "You can call me Mrs. Park. Let's begin with the interview shall we?"

The interview started and I managed to answer all of it without stuttering. But what's weird is that the lady, Mrs. Park, kept on looking at me the entire time which made me self-conscious a bit. He next questions were even more suspicious, but I answered nonetheless. "Who are your parents?"

"Yang *** and Yang ***"

"Your grandparents"

"*** and ***"

"How's your grandmother doing?" She asked which made me a bit wary. Her questions were getting personal ane it made me uncomfortable.

"She's doing fine, thank you for asking." I replied. "Well she must have gotten the *** treatment for her illness then, right?" She said which made me freeze. What?

"How... did you know that?" I said with wide eyes. She just chuckled and leaned back on her chair.

"I just know. Anyways, Mrs. Cha, give the rest of the people coming here for an interview approximately 620,707,500.00 won each and tell them that we already found someone." She ordered the lady from earlier and the lady went out to enact the command.

"You're hired sweetheart" She said and left the room with the bodyguards, leaving me dumbfounded. This whole scene felt so unreal, I mean who just gives a job interview to someone then not give a chance to interview the rest and hire the said interviewee on the spot? And sweetheart?

I thanked them for their time and walked out of the room, still feeling a bit confused but ecstatic at the same time. I called Sunoo hyung and told him about how I got accepted and he was just as excited and confused as me.

As I made my way out of the building, I saw someone with a suit, probably an employee, getting shouted at by a guy with a rather fancy suit. But that didn't distract me when I saw the guy throw the papers the employee was holding and onto the ground.

On instinct, I dashed to help the employee with picking up the papers. But the guy grabbed my shoulder and looked at me with a questioning look. "What are you doing here?" He asked and now that I think about it, he looked like the guy who gave me the money for the taxi fee yesterday when I look at his jawline.

Well even if it was him it didn't make me look away from the situation and just ignore it. "I'm just helping him pick the papers, is there a problem with that?" I asked and he just glared at me. Rude.

"Here you go." I said as I handed the employee the stack of papers. He thanked me profusely while I chuckled and patted him on the head. I went meet Sunoo hyung outside and we went to a restaurant to get some food.

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Chapter 05 complete

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