07: Drinks

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Little lamb?! This guy is so annoying! First, he was mean to an employee(which I assumed worked under him). Second, he annoyed the heck out of on the first day of my job. And third, he tripped me when he knew I was carrying a lot of stuff! And just when I thought he was a kind person when he gave me the fee for the cab. Well, I thought wrong. If it weren't for Mrs. Park pleading me to take care of his son with a tempting offer, I wouldn't even go here. 

So I just clenched my fist and stood up. "By the way, since you just ruined our drinks, mind buying some? Here's my card." I turned around and saw his smug face. It just makes me wanna smack it off of him. But I couldn't do that, so I just forced a smile and took the card from his hands then left.

I took a cab (now using my own money) and went to the nearest coffee shop. It was not that far to be honest. I paid the driver and went inside the building, letting out an annoyed sigh seeing the line at the counter. But I had to fulfill my boss' orders, which was a stupid cup of hot coffee which I'd gladly pour over his head. 

So I waited in line patiently, watching as the next person to order at the front was constantly changing their order, obviously being indecisive and not knowing what to pick. I wanted to see what the available orders were, but the person that stood in front of me was really tall and I couldn't see anything clearly at all. I moved to the side, my focus on the front when suddenly I felt an impact on my shoulder. 

I heard a gasp and I immediately muttered out an apology when I saw that the contents of their drink spilt onto their shirt. I grabbed a napkin from my pocket while still mumbling sorries and started to wipe their clothes when they spoke. "It's alright mate, there's nothing to be worried about." 

I looked up and saw it was a familiar and then remembered a guy from the dance studio before. "You're Jake, right?" I asked and he nodded, adjusting the beanie that he wore. "I'm so sorry I spilled your drink, luck doesn't seem to be on my side today haha." I said and rubbed the back of my neck with a nervous laughter which Jake returned with a seemingly genuine one.

"It happens to the best of us. And besides, I can just wash this stain. But why are you here? It's my first time seeing you around." Jake said. Maybe he was a regular? Well it isn't that surprising. "I'm here to buy some coffee for someone and his friends." I replied in which he nodded in response. "Now that I think about it, a friend of mine lives around here. You should meet him sometimes, he's usually a chill guy." He said and I just smiled. 

He talked with me while I ordered and even sat down at a booth with me. To be honest, he was fun to talk to. I thought he was somehow like Jay when I found out he came from a wealthy family too, but I guess the saying is true that you should never judge a book by its cover. Unfortunately our conversation was cut short when he got a notification on his phone and he said he needed to leave. He left and after a while my orders came and I left as well. 

Not really feeling the urge to face Jay again, I gave the drinks to a friendly maid that worked in the mansion so that she could give it instead.


I was waiting in the lounge when I heard a mix of different male voices and immediately I recognized them as my friends. They greeted me with fist bumps and handshakes before sitting down on the empty spaces of the couch. "Where's Jake?" I asked when I noticed one of them was not here. All of them just gave shrugs.

"So Jay," Heeseung, the oldest out of us, began. He had this teasing grin on his face that I knew meant something. "About that bet we made." He finished. Sighing, I answered. "Hah... I can't believe you remember that." I then smirked and turned to him, resting my arm on top of the back rest. "You know I never go back on my word." Is all I said before hearing him chuckle, almost mockingly.

Suddenly, one of the maids came into the living room holding some things that looked like beverages. Beverages that were take-out. Beverages that I absolutely know I did not tell this maid to bring me. "What are you doing here? I did not tell you or tell that Yang to let you bring me those drinks." I said in confusion. The maid gulped and looked nervous, holding onto the drinks tightly. 

"M-Mr. Yang told me to give it to you sir..." She stuttered and I furrowed my eyebrows in more confusion. Seriously? This guy must be pretty lazy, or very disobedient. Either way, the little lamb must think of being my secretary as some joke. "Give those to him and tell him to bring it here himself, like I ordered. Don't make me wait any longer." I seethed and the maid quickly bowed her head before scurrying away. Tsk, annoying.

A couple of minutes later, Jungwon came in the room with the coffee, like I ordered. I raised a brow and cocked my head to the side in the direction of the table in the middle of the chairs. He sheepishly walked there and placed said beverages on it before going to the side near me. Hm, he seems to be getting better at being my secretary.

I turned to Heeseung with a cocky grin. "See?" I said with pride but they all just stared at him. Are they statues? What's so surprising about that Jungwon?

Finally I got my answer when Jake entered the lounge. He was greeting us when he also spotted Jungwon, smiling widely. "Jungwon-ah! I didn't expect to see you here." He said. "Hello, Jake hyung." Jungwon said. Ah, so they know each other then. Jake seemed noticed the cups on the table and from the looks of it he had clicked something in his mind. He didn't say anything else and just sat next to Ni-ki who was the closest to him.

"I guess there's no need for introductions then." I said nonchalantly then continued on with another topic.

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Chapter 07 complete

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