08: Restaurant

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Waking up to your best friend's rant call at 4 in the morning was not anything new to the boy. But getting out of bed all ready for a busy day and seeing his parents there in the kitchen cooking and preparing breakfast like nothing happened was...weird. Well, he wasn't used to this at all. He was so used to waking up earlier than the rising sun to study and cook for himself and his. grandmother because the parents weren't always there. But now they were here, setting the table and making breakfast. Jungwon had to literally rub his eyes to check if he wasn't just seeing things. But it was all real -- unbelievably real.

When the two noticed his presence in the room, they stopped to look at him. A long silence fell upon them and it was broken when Jungwon's father spoke up. "Jungwon, honey. Why don't you go and get grandma so we can start eating?" He said in an oddly sweet tone that Jungwon has never heard from him in /years/, but he obliged the command and went to his grandmother's room which he often frequented more than in the kitchen or his own room. When he went back with the old woman in a wheelchair, his mother urged him to sit beside him. Though confused, he did so and saw the food in front of them still steaming.

"What are you waiting for? Eat." His father said in a deep voice and he could see his mother glare at him before picking up a plate of food and scooping some of it onto Jungwon's. The atmosphere was undeniably awkward, and the pin-drop silence between was making it even more awkward.

After a few minutes, the boy had enough and stopped his mother when she tried to put some food on his plate again. The woman looked at him with a confused look but Jungwon wasn't looking at her. "Why?" He began with a voice akin to a whisper. Again, there was a silence as the father looked up from his plate, giving Jungwon an angry, confused look while the mother just looked surprised. "What do you mean, Jungwon? Just eat." The father placed his spoon down, furrowing his eyebrows as he stared at his son.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this /now/?" He continued and then looked at both of his parents. When he didn't get a response, he just pursed his lips and stood up, chair scraping against the floor beneath. "I've...I've lost my appetite. I'll get going for work now." He muttered and made sure his grandmother was safe in her room before leaving the house.

He stepped out of the cab and greeted the guard at the front gate, who happily returned the gesture as he opened the iron gates for him. As he walked through the path, he waved and smiled at the gardeners who were busy trimming the bushes and watering the plants. And that's how his morning went; greeting the mansion workers(who all gladly did so back), and dealing with his dreadful boss.

Jungwon was not kidding at all.

Jay probably woke up this morning with the thought of using his boss card to its advantage. In the morning when he saw the boy, he immediately called for him.

"Mr. Yang, bring me my schedule for today."

"Mr. Yang, arrange these documents for me."

"Mr. Yang, take this to my office."

"Mr. Yang, go and buy me a box of pastries, here's some money."

"Mr. Yang, I spilled some coffee on my shoes, clean it up."

"Mr. Yang, hand these papers to Mr. Jun."

"Mr. Yang"

"Mr. Yang"

"Mr. Yang"

God! It isn't even 12 pm, the morning hasn't even ended! And yet Jay used his privilege to its very extent, and most of his orders were unnecessary in the first place! Jungwon's fist was itching to land a punch on his face now, but he had to swallow it in and face this if he wanted to keep this job. So all he does is force a grin and say "Yes, sir" through gritted teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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