019 ; chess

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you turn to the door as three familiar faces push it open, you grin, but tilt your head in confusion as you look into the room.

"is that.. neville?"

hermione just rubs her head sheepishly, "uhm, anyways- get in, come on!"

you scurry over the three, getting in the back of the invisibility cloak and helping to hold it up.

"ow! you stood on my foot!" hermione says harshly to ron, "sorry" he whispers.

your path way lights up as you approach the door.

"alohomora" hermione says quietly as she sticks her wand out from the cloak.

the door unlocks itself as the four of you walk in, you closing the door behind you.

 "wait a minute.. he's.."

fluffy's big breath blows the cloak off of your heads, "snoring."

you internally squeal,

wahh! fluffy looks so cute~!

"snape's already been here. he's put a spell on the harp."

"ugh.. it's got horrible breath" ron grimaces.

"we have to move it's paw"

your eyes venture to said paw, it was sitting directly on the trap door.

"what?" ron questions.

"come on!"

you all take a spot on the paw, "okay. push" you all push the paw to the side and off the trap door.

you lift open the trap door and peer inside, all three of you crouch down and look in.

"i'll go first. don't follow until i give you a sign. if something bad happens, get yourselves out." he pauses, "does it seem a bit.. quiet to you?"

"the harp.. it's stopped playing" you point out as you all turn to the harp.

you all look to ron's shoulder as a large chunk of slobber falls on it, he groans in disgust.

you all simultaneously look up, revealing the dogs three large heads looking down at you.


harry went first, then hermione, you follow directly after her, grabbing ron's wrist and throwing him in with you as he seemed to be distracted.

you all scream as you fall into a chamber of sorts.

you stop screaming as you land, you look around, you were on a type of plant.

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