Buttered Blueberry Bagle |2|

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For Y/n, accidentally texting the wrong number was probably the best thing that happened to her. Most of her life--the one she made to just be able to survive, the girl had been mostly friendless except for one individual quite like herself. Kate Bishop--she was who Y/n was meaning to text.

Although that never really ended up happening because Kate must've handed out the wrong number to her friend. Kate and her mom had recently moved Upstate while Y/n was around Mid Town. Y/n had a pretty sweet view of Avengers Tower. The moving of Kate meant that she and Y/n no longer went to the same school. Although Y/n was graduating that year so she would've left her anyway.

At the moment, Y/n was getting ready for school, thinking about how terrible her aunt was. No, her aunt hadn't beat her (yet), but she still wasn't the greatest. Y/n had gotten more parental guidance out of a complete stranger she didn't mean to text than her own blood relative. But whatever, it is what it is.

School started in an hour. Y/n wasn't willing to take the subway at all--too many crazies in a place like that for a young girl like her. So walking was her option. Only problem was that Aunt Joss woke up at a certain time for work and no earlier. She had a routine. Y/n's jostling upstairs hopefully hadn't woken up the bear.

Tiptoeing with her bag down the stairs, all dressed up with a worn band t-shirt and fraying jean shorts. Luckily Y/n was sneaky, one of her many talents from having a mean aunt. This helped her to enter the spotless kitchen (courtesy of Y/n, not her aunt), snag a thing of pop tarts and skedaddle outta there, all unbeknownst by her aunt.

Exiting the house, Y/n began her trek down the sidewalk. The girl gently walked down the pavement, her backpack swinging behind her off one shoulder as she moved. Luckily the crash happened in spring and not winter, otherwise, Y/n'd be toast. Frozen toast, more like.

The blue sky began poking out behind the smogy clouds, the wind blowing Y/n's h/c hair out from behind her slightly. No birds could be heard as the girl walked rhythmically along her neighborhood streets, bending around hedges that weren't exactly likeable but a view blockage in a vehicle and a real pain.

Crunching peddles being the sound in her ears as she walked during the quiet morning, Y/n couldn't help but savor the peace but she needed to get to school at least two minutes early.

Most of the time, she didn't care about being late or not but this year she had too. All the test and tryings of moving up two grades were her priorities. She needed to pass them. So she couldn't be late. Her need to hear about everything in a lesson, driving her into the city streets when her car could never.

Y/n soon entered the bustling city. It was a good thing she wasnt in the main roads because then her chances of getting to school on time were quite slim. Flashing car lights danced her eyes as she walked, determined and slightly done with going to school, down the sidewalk.

She didn't exactly like school. Loved learning, hated being taught at school. Mostly the environment and being forced to do the things--she didn't like the organization but it was illegal to not attend, so she went.

One thing she did like about school, and her school specifically, was the sports. It wasn't the typical technology school that only focused on academics but also fun extracurriculars. Basketball in the winter along with volleyball. There was a cheer team that she despised bit was still grateful for. As well as football in the summer and track.

Y/n liked sports, although not as much as she liked building things. She did both, maybe one day before school ended she could get a scholarship to a university or college in either field. This way, it broadened her field.

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