Hotel Hot Chocolate That Was Actually Bussin |22|

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(Check chapter number! Hey, look at the heart and Soul of the MCU right there^^I miss them so much I can't even explain it <\3)

Making his way down to the common room, Tony found Natasha sipping a cup of tea, sitting at the bar counter in the dark.

The dim light cast from the stove was bright on her back as she faced Tony with a blank face, stirring her drink.

Tony grabbed a bag of blueberries from the refrigerator and offered her some. She took them without a word and Tony sat down across from her on the other side of the bar.

He hummed, "love the dark, huh? Little emo though, right? Too many Batman vibes--I think at least," he motioned while popping some blueberries in his mouth.

Natasha looked at him finally and Tony saw the shadow of tears in her eyes. "Did you come down here to make fun of my brooding because...if you did, I'm about to pour scalding tea on your face."

Tony smirked a bit, "Threatening shtick--triple imposter act, I'm used to it by now." He turned to look out the window to the left of him. He was silent for a few a seconds, thinking of the best way to go about the problem. He thought that maybe sacrificing his ego for a bit and not beating around the bush was the best decision. "You okay?" He asked more sincerely while not looking at her.

Tony was terrible at comforting. No matter what he tried.

"People see what I want them to see. It doesn't matter what I tell you."

Tony turned to her, "welp, it matters to me. You know I can see through you, right? C'mon, give me something." He waited but Natasha said nothing while staring at her mug. "I don't know what happened--weather you wanna tell me or not, whatever. I just wanna make sure your okay because frankly, when your in a mood, we're all in a mood."

That last part was a lie. Tony wanted to make sure she was okay because he cared. He wasn't going to say that but he knew she knew already.

Nat met his eyes after a long time. "I don't think you wanna know."

Tony looked at her incredulously, "you really think I'd be here right now if I didn't? C'mon," he scoffed.

Nat rolled her eyes but Tony could tell that below the surface she wanted to talk. A couple minutes went by where no words were exchanged and they sat in complete silence. Tony munched on his blueberries while Natasha sipped her tea. Tony had no idea how much time went by but Natasha hadn't finished her tea so it couldn't have been long.

Eventually the moon cast strands of white light onto the black marbel floors, spanning from the living room into the kitchen.

"Y'know, I'm not leaving until you spill what's the matter so..."

Natasha chuckled with hardly any humor and after a few seconds, she finally decided to talk. "The Red Room sterilized me when I turned eighteen. A graduation ceremony....Makes things a lot easier." She looked down at her tea and Tony turned his head away as tears filled her eyes.

He'd never heard about her time in the Red Room before. Not even a bit because she always kept it secret besides the plethora of files she'd spilled into the world. He never knew how much it affected her. And he saw the tears in her eyes and the actual sadness brewing--real emotions from Natasha was a rare thing. Tony hated how they'd broke her like that.

"I've always wanted kids but I've always known I'd never be able to have them. Even before the ceremony. No kid would want their mom to be a killer."

Tony turned back to her, "except Y/n."

Natasha looked up, tears dotting her under eyes. The redhead nodded tightly, "she doesn't know what I am--where I was created. She doesn't know what she's saying."

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