7/11 Pizza That Was So Delicious I Would Rob Someone To Get It |24|

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Check chapter number! PLSSS is this real^^If it is, THIS SHOW IS WILLLDDD💀also, I thought that I was coming on here to apologize for last chapter. Turns out I'm not exactly but that's...not exactly it either. So,,,This is my apology video 2022😗😓✌? I dunno.

So I'm not apologizing but it goes unsaid and I'm working on that. Last chapter was a little...🤪😤🤯😧so yeah,,,I wrote it incredibly late and I'm sure it doesn't make sense

I'm a little scared to read it over so let's maybe just ignore the fact that I'm mentally insane and move on😴like I said, I'm not apologizing because I think that I can learn from my constant and continuous looming mistake that keeps adding up. Right? Like I said, I'm working on it and it goes unsaid so yeah,, done deal let's get it)

"I'm...not really the apology type because I'm normally not around people to mess up too bad but...I'm sorry," MJ mumbled in the vehicle next to Y/n as she drove.

Y/n hummed, staring down the road, she turned her head to MJ momentarily. "Why? You didn't do anything," Y/n replied in the same tone.

MJ snorted, "seriously? Don't try to let this go, I made you have a panic attack."

Peter's head shot up in the backseat, "what? I thought you said you had that under control."

Y/n gritted her teeth, "I did. Do? I--it's--y'know, I don't have to explain it," she shook her head, still staring down the brick building lined roads.

"Are you okay? You haven't had one since you--"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Pete. It's fine, doesn't matter," Y/n brushed it off, turning down to MJ's road.

Peter didn't seem to buy it but he stayed silent in the backseat.

The car was silent as Y/n pulled up to MJ's house.

"Bye, love you, looser," Y/n said while giving MJ a playful punch in the shoulder.

MJ smiled slightly, "love you too. Looser. See ya," she goodbyed while hopping out of the car.

Peter exited the car too and grabbed MJ's bike from the back. (Do jeeps even have trunks? Welp, this one does)

Waving to MJ as Peter got back inside on the passenger side, Y/n started to drive away.


"Don't. Don't, Pete--or I'll smack you with my fuzzy dice," Y/n threatened with an ending chuckle.

Peter moved forward and batted the dice on the mirror so they swayed. "Tempting but no. I guess I'll be quiet but we'll have to talk about something I want to."

Y/n groaned and rested her forehead on the steering wheel momentarily. "What?"

"How's your aunt?"

Y/n intentionally slowed down her breathing--before he even asked the question. "She's good. Nothing really new going on."

"She's not hitting you any more?" Peter asked while shifting in his seat calmly.

Y/n shook her head slowly, "nope. Things are just like usual." Peter said nothing and Y/n continued to drive to his apartment. "Am I heading to an alleyway or something," she smirked.

Peter chuckled, "just take me to May's."

Y/n smiled, "Spider-Manning tonight?"

"What else would I be doing?"

Y/n hummed with a forming grin, "dunno...fonduing with Gwen."

Peter rolled his eyes, "you are...such a dork," he pretended to squeeze her. He leant back in his seat, tilting his head, "fonduing? Really? How'd you come up with that?"

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