Not Even A Quarter Bowl Of Ground Beef :') |31|

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"Kay, look, I tried to advocate for you but you're teacher's a bit--"

"Tony!" Pepper shouted, slightly alarmed from the outside of the quinnjet where they'd landed, cutting Tony off from saying what he was going to.

Tony rolled his eyes and turned back to the kid as they walked to the elevator, "a sourpuss, alright? Whatever--doesn't matter. Anyway, you're getting detention for the next week."

Y/n dropped her jaw, "what, no--I can't have detention. I have to work," the teen protested.

And this wasn't a non concern--she needed to work otherwise she would get kicked out of her house and be living on the streets.

"Well you did skip school, kid--I don't know what you want me to say," Tony defended.

"Stark, not exactly helping," Natasha mumbled to him as she strolled up beside.

Y/n's anxiety seemed to be an ever present thing now--with her aunt being a field mine and Y/n not entirely safe at home, plus the constant covering up of bruses, it was enough to make anxiety build a home in her.

Now she needed to keep the house and she wasn't really doing a good job of that so far. Plus she needed to study for her finals and...

"Are you okay?" Clint asked, staring at Y/n in the elevator.

Y/n blinked with a nod, "yep. Uhuh--do you get extra detention if you skip detention?" Y/n asked quizzically.

"I have no clue but you're not finding out," Tony answered definitely.

Y/n giggled her leg up and down, waiting for the elevator to ding. There were a whole bunch of people in the elevator right now and it made Y/n dizzy--for some reason.

"Deep breathes, Y/n," Wanda told Y/n when she realized that the girl was losing control a bit.

The sparks at Y/n's fingers ceased and the elevator finally dinged.

Wanda grabbed Y/n's hand and squeezed it reassuringly and it made Y/n wonder is the other had read her mind. Surely she would've said something if she did.

They were all in the common room once again and Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Clint all walked off to their rooms, presumably to change out of their suits.

Wanda snapped her finger and she was out of her suit in no time. Pepper was in the kitchen stirring some tea when the elevator doors dinged once again and MJ was immediately running towards Y/n and engulfing her in a hug.

"Are you okay?" MJ whispered into her ear.

"I'm fine."

"Harley, said that you were getting turned into jerky," MJ revealed while exiting the hug.

Harley snorted from the elevator, "she was--Tony too."

"Don't scare her like that," Tony scolded from the kitchen, also making tea.

Why does everyone like tea so much now?

Bruce was sitting in the living room, talking quietly on the phone.

"I wasn't scared just a bit....on edge," MJ flipped her hair out of her face naturally and tucked the thick curls behind her ear.

"Please--a bit on edge? C'mon Mishy, we're connected. I know that you were more than a bit on edge," Harley told her jokingly.

"Connected? Please, if we were books, we wouldn't even be in the same library," MJ replied, walking over to him. She was smiling, Y/n noticed.

"I wouldn't be a book. I'd be a patron so I can take you out," Harley smirked at MJ who rolled her eyes at the stupid pickup line.

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