Twilight - (I) The Pain

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The music slowly played from the player. The volume was low but that was loud enough to stir the heart that was already under turbulence.

A while ago, she felt the death was trying to drag her away when he saw for one last time. The love begged her to see the yearning in his eyes. The trust forced her to believe in him and sort it out. The hope left his body the minute she shut her eyes thus shutting him out of her life. But at the end, it was ego which won above all odds. The souls left in them felt like they were no more needed.

She now realised it was her mistake. She knew she had to go for him. But she did not know where to go. She did not if he would accept her back. She wasn't sure if she could fix the broken heart owing to the fact, that she broke it.

Back then, he was broken pieces jumbled when she met him first. His eyes were lifeless. But with her, the pieces started falling in place and the eyes began twinkling.

Without him, the building she resided was no more a home but a house. She stared the sky with bloodshot eyes. There were no more tears left, maybe they dried. It was a no moon day. That coincidentally fell same as her life. Her sky lost its sun leaving the moon with no shine. This moon never had any stars. Now with losing the only companion it had, the moon felt like there was no reason for it to shine. The solemn reason was gone.

She sat idle and blankly staring the dark sky until that slowly started getting its light.

On leaving the moon all alone, the sun felt itself becoming cold. Unable to bear the sudden chillness, it decided to get back to its moon, once again.

He opened the door along with the spare key that laid forgotten in his bag. As he entered the house, he could feel the tense in the air. That wasn't because of their quarrel hours ago but the fear he had on facing her. He know that he didn't do much of a mistake, but at the end of the day, it was her, his girl, his priority and in that case he wouldn't point the fingers at.

"Paapa". She heard his voice. She heard him calling her. But she wasn't ready to turn back. She dreaded turning to the empty house in the hope of her imaginations coming true. She wanted him to come back. Yes, she would go after him. She wanted to do the same after realising her mistake. But she feared being turned down.

This time, it wasn't her ego but insecurity kicking in, thus stopping from turning. Unknown to this, the other heart in the house broke. He didn't know what he did to deserve this hatred of her. He knew she was the only one who can read him anytime without having him to say it aloud. He wondered if she didn't see the yearning in his eyes before he left. He never refused or went against her wishes, and thus he walked off. But only on walking away he realised the need for her in his life. For once, he decided to a bit selfish around her.

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