Undying Love

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He neared her with his eyes screaming only love, unconditional love. She had a smile adorning her lips. He took in the sight of his wife standing before in her cute pjs before drowning into the black orbs of her while she lost herself in his hazel ones.

When it comes to expressing their love for each other, they both are extremely insatiable with what they show for each other. And they never get tired of giving or receiving it. Slowly he cupped her face and joined his forehead with hers while she snaked her hands around his neck.

"Happy 7th year anniversary partner." He said.
His hot breath fanned over her nose giving a tingling effect even after many years of togetherness.

"Happy 7th year anniversary." She replied as she buried her face in her home, his shoulder.
This moment was perfectly captured by their son Ayaan.

5 years later, she still had the tingling effect remembering their moment on seeing the photo frame. The effect was followed by a faint smile in her face.

The void he left while leaving her forever, 4 years ago was undying but not powerful than the moments they made.

He may not be with her now, but the world they created was always theirs and the love he showered was stagnant in her heart forever.


Hope you guys understood the plot line. If not, here it is;
She recalls a memory from 5 years back that is during her 7th year anniversary while seeing a photo and misses him as he is no more.


A short one! Share your thoughts and feedbacks..shall I continue this kinda micros?
Posted in ig too, check it for imaginative visuals..
Also, check out my other book, "The Link".

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