🐙Mezo Shoji🐙 Catch Up Part 2/3

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He either has his arms wrapped around you with your head on his chest or your wings are wrapped around him with his head on yours.


🐙 He basically threw him
🐙 It was by accident but Mineta still flew
🐙 Shoji pushed him away from you but there was much more force behind it than he meant there to be

Crying (I talk about injuries received after getting kidnapped with Bakugo but there's more detail about it in the breakup and making up preferences)

You cry when you fight with your brother. It's a very rare thing to happen so neither of you ever know how to handle it. Shoji's always there to listen to you. He tries to help talk you through it and help you see where Keigo is coming from so it's easier for you guys to make up later. The first time Shoji saw you cry was when you and Keigo got into an argument after the summer camp. He tried to say that you didn't have to handle everything on your own but it ended up sounding like you couldn't handle anything on your own. "Everything I do is to protect and you don't even care!" Keigo shouted. "I do care!" "Then start acting like it!" Keigo took a deep breath to calm his frustrated huffing. "I don't want you in those dorms or at that school. I want you here and safe and... try going to another hero school." You shook your head. "No, it has to be UA." "Look at what's happened to you because of that damn school!" The frustration was back and clear in his voice. You looked back at your wings. Almost a week later and they were good as new but the scars on your back were quite noticeable. "You were taken and you could've died." "Those are things that can happen when you're a hero," you defended. "You're not a hero!" "But I'm training to be one! These are things that can happen, Keigo." "Not when you're in school." "Keigo, I was handling things just fine." "But you didn't! Other people had to save you! I had to save you!" Keigo yelled. "You can't handle a single damn thing on your own!" "Yes, I can." Keigo shook his head, opening his mouth to explain what he meant. You didn't give him the chance as you sighed and walked out of the house. Keigo didn't follow you, instead taking a moment to allow you both to calm down and come back to it at another time. You flew up to the roof and sat there until a voice called up to you. "What are you doing up there?" You looked over the edge and saw Shoji looking up at you. "Are you okay?" You sent a few feathers down to carry him up to you and hugged him the second he sat beside you on the roof. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap as the tears finally started to fall. "You want to talk about it?" You told him about your argument and he nodded along, rocking slightly and silently praying it wouldn't send you both sliding down the roof. "I don't know your brother," Shoji began when you were finished, "but I know he adores you. What he said was not meant to hurt you." You wiped the tears off your face as Shoji rubbed your back. "I think there was just some miscommunication. Just take some time and try again later. Maybe you'll have an easier time understanding each other." You shrugged and laid your head on his chest and closed your eyes. "Thank you, Mezo." Shoji lowered his mask to kiss your head. "Of course."


🐙 You're always holding hands and sneaking kisses
🐙 He thinks he's slick when he turns the ends of one of his limbs into a mouth to plant a kiss on the top of your wings or between them
🐙 He's not
🐙 Sometimes he pets your wings


"Mr. Aizawa just said you were being targeted so will you please just do what I'm asking so I can keep you safe?" Shoji asked, trying to keep his voice calm and steady as the group got ready to go after the villain with Tokoyami and Bakugo. "They already got Bakugo and Tokoyami. I can't have them taking you too." "I can take care of myself!" "I'm not saying you can't," Shoji replied, "I'm just saying everyone needs a little help." He watched you repeatedly tap the red feather kept around your neck by a black thread, something you had to have when Hawks went on missions in case anything happened. It was like an SOS button. "Look, you're nervous-" "I am not nervous," you argued. "I don't get nervous." "Everyone gets nervous! It's a normal human reaction to a stressful situation such as VILLAINS TRYING TO KIDNAP THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!" You put a hand over your heart. "I'm the love of your life?" you cooed. "Wait, no. That's not what we're focusing on." "Stay here!" he yelled. "Don't tell me what to do!" you shouted back. "I'm going to help save my friends!" "Not while you have a target on your back," Shoji stated. "Just go back!" "How does no sound?" "Really bad," Shoji replied. "I'm coming." "No, you're not." You raised an eyebrow at his stern voice. "Go. Back." Your only movement was crossing your arms. "Go!" Shoji's loud and angry voice surprised you. You sighed and slowly turned to do what he said. You flew up into the air and snuck a feather onto Midoriya's back just in case. It didn't take long for you to feel the others were trouble so you quickly turned around. The first thing you noticed were blue flames rushing towards Shoji. You dove in front of him, raising your wings to shield the both of you and trying to use some of the feathers to protect the wings themselves while others pulled Shoji away. "Came flying just like I thought," the man with burns said as his arms dropped to his side. You lowered your wings with a small whimper and turned to face him, prepared to attack with the few feathers you had left, but you felt someone brush your shoulder. You were trapped, frozen in place in the blue marble that seemed to fall in slow motion. Shoji's body collided with the man with the mask's, knocking him out of the way so he could grab the marble. Blue flames surrounded his outstretched arm and his mind went blank from the sudden pain, grip loosening just enough for the marble to slip through his fingers that were so close to grabbing it. The masked man snatched the marble and Shoji was surrounded by a wall of flames before he had the chance to rush at him again. "Let him o- Ah!" When he heard your pained yelp he ran through the flames, allowing the fire to burn more of his skin. He watched smoke rise from the wing under the scarred man's hand. Shoji ran forward for you and Midoriya was beside him running for Bakugo. Shoji held his hand out, so close to grabbing you and pulling you to safety, but the feather on Midoriya's back moved under Shoji's shirt and pulled him back. "Don't," was the last thing he heard you say before the warp gate closed.

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