Sports Festival

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Preference: How you do in the Sports Festival.

A/N: This seemed like a good idea at the time.

👾Mina Ashido👾

Obstacle Course Race: When Todoroki froze the robots you were able to easily dodge the ones that kept attacking. Once you got to the pit thing (I don't remember the name of it so it's now pit thing) you melted some of the wires so you could swing across. You crossed the line right after Bakugo.

Cavalry Battle: You were the rider for your brother's team and replaced Tokoyami. You played a big role in defense and you were able to keep people away. You even managed to create walls of flames around your group when Hatsume's boot broke. You guys were still in first place when time ran out.

Battle 1: You fought Momo first. She made a weapon and shield. Her shield was able to block your attacks and you had to look out for hers. The fight ended with you as the winner when you got close and attacked. Once she blocked, you moved behind her and took her weapon away. Using the weapon and your Quirk, you were able to overwhelm her and force her out of bounds.

Battle 2: You fought Mina next. You were friends at this point and you didn't want to hurt her so you dodged her attacks and picked her up. You carried her out of bounds, making sure there was no way she could burn you with her acid, and lightly placed her on her feet.

Battle 3: You went against Bakugo next. You two were evenly matched so it was basically a battle of endurance instead of power. You both were covered in burns from the other by the end of the fight and you eventually passed out.

You got third place.

🐸Tsuyu Asui🐸

Obstacle Course Race: You just started to throw the robots around and once you got to the pit thing you swung around like they were monkey bars. You got to the minefield and made the landmines rise and then put them back once you passed. You got fifth place.

Cavalry Battle: You took Uraraka's place. You were able to lift everyone up by their clothing and carry their weight. In the end, Tokoyami still got the band that got you to fourth place.

Battle 1: You were close to winning, you really were. Bakugo was just a little bit stronger and that strength is what he needed to beat you. You had him floating out of bounds but then he used his explosions to blast forward. You two started throwing punches at each other. You probably could've beaten him if he didn't get you in the back of the head with an explosion.

⚡Denki Kaminari⚡

Obstacle Course Race: You got first place. You were able to create waves of rock and you basically surfed over every obstacle.

Cavalry Battle: You took Mina's place. You kept everyone away from the other teams and you were even able to steal some extra points. Your team got first place.

Battle 1: You made a wall and pushed Aoyama out of bounds.

Battle 2: It was harder but since Tokoyami mainly used Dark Shadow to fight it wasn't as hard as you expected. Once you got Dark Shadow close to Tokoyami you were able to trap them.

Battle 3: At first you trapped Bakugo and everyone thought you won. Bakugo broke through though so your fight continued. Your battle was getting more and more violent and Cementoss had to intervene but you just made the wall the hero created collapse on Bakugo. He was buried under the stage so they quickly named you the winner so he'd be let out.

Battle 4: This one was hard. You and Shoto each trapped the other and then they managed to break free. Eventually you were able to trap Todoroki in a way that kept him trapped so you were the winner.

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