Chapter 12: Gone

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3rd Person POV:

Aqualad called the Justice League for help while Artemis, Kid Flash and Red Arrow attempted to wake up the others. It wasn't long before the Justice League arrived. Batman, Robin, Black Canary and Green Arrow rushed into the cave through the hangar. They gathered at the main area with the four unconscious Team members.

Batman: "What happened?!"

Aqualad: "I do not know, we returned to find it like this."

Green Arrow: "Let's get them to medical."

The eight hero's moved their unconscious friends to the medical bay and waited for them to wake up. While they waited Batman pulled the cave's security recordings and watched the attack unfold.

Batman: "Look at this."

Batman played the recording of the fight in the cave on a computer in the medical bay for everyone to see. The recording ended with the unknown attacker dragging (Y/n) through the zeta tube to an unknown destination before an explosion completely destroyed the last functioning zeta tube. Just as the recording finished the unconscious team members began to wake up.

Zatanna: "Ah...where's (Y/n)?"

Nobody spoke. Those present who didn't know about the relationship between Zatanna and (Y/n) suspected that they had one. Nobody wants to be the one to deliver the news. Zatanna desperately looked around the medbay for (Y/n), only to not find him. Her eyes met Artemis' as she begged for an answer.

Zatanna: "Artemis... please where is he?"

Artemis: "The man who attacked you... h-he took him."

Tears began to form in Zatanna's eyes as she struggled to comprehend the news.

Zatanna: "W-what do y-you mean 'took'? Took him where?"

Artemis: "We don't know."

Robin: "But we will find him."

Batman: "You're right. We will find him, let's go."

Batman and Robin left to investigate the fight scene in the cave and see if they can come up with any useful information.

Zatanna sat up and moved to the edge of the bed Artemis and Wally sat on either side of her in an attempt to comfort her.

Zatanna: "I-I can t-try some s-spells to find him."

Aqualad: "Get some rest, we will find him."

Zatanna attempted to stand up but was held back by Artemis who pulled her into a hug. Zatanna initially struggled to get out of the embrace but quickly gave in and started crying. Her sobes filled the medbay as the team stood in silence, unsure of what to do.

After a short moment Aqualad, Kid Flash and Conner left the medbay to join Robin and Batman by the zeta tubes.

Aqualad: "Have you found anything?"

Robin: "Only this piece of paper, (Y/n) was holding while he ran to the zeta tubes. It's full of signatures but no names. I'm guessing he recognized one."

Batman: "I don't recognize any of-"

Robin: "What? What is it?"

Batman: "When (Y/n) first joined the team. Alfred contacted his supervising officer Charles Maxwell. They served together back when Alfred was with the SAS. The signature C.M is on here. I'm taking this to Alfred, maybe he can identify if this really is Maxwell's signature. We will need to know everything about him before making a move, he's obviously incredibly resourceful."

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