Chapter 82: For All Magic

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The magician sprung to her feet and got in a defensive fighting position, summoning a small magical shield to protect herself from the speedster.

Wally: "Wow, language. And I thought (Y/n) was the fouled mouthed one."

The agent jumped up and drew his handgun, aiming it directly at his friend who he thought was long dead.

The red headed speedster smiled smugly, he was visibly older, as if he'd been alive this whole time and aging normally like nothing happened. His red hair was slightly longer and just as unkempt as it ever was. His face was still partially covered in freckles and his pale skin reflected the late afternoon sunlight.

(Y/n): "You're dead, this is some kind of trick."

Wally: "While I'd love to explain to you the science behind what happened that day, even I don't fully understand it. Which means you don't have a hope in hell of understanding the basic parts of it."

The Upside Down Man roared in a surprising mix of anger and pain, pulling away from the destroyed statue as blue lightning bolts crackled through his magic.

Zatanna: "Was that you?"

Wally: "Yeah, it's a long story; and part of the reason why the Legion won't let me go home."

(Y/n): "Let me guess, because of the time stream?"

Wally: "Yeah something like that. How about we kick that things ass and then I'll give you an update on what I've been up to."

The group of friends turned their attention back to the Upside Down Man and braced themselves for battle.

The embodiment of darkness swung its arms towards them in a reckless attack, easily blocked by a massive magical dome Zatanna summoned.

The speedster sighed then disappeared faster than anyone could comprehend. Blue lightning crackled all across the park as Wally raced up the Upside Down Man's arms and punched him across the face.

The Upside Down Man recoiled back into the portal he emerged from as Wally appeared back at (Y/n)'s side, lightning crackling off his body.

(Y/n): "What the hell happened to you?!"

The speedsters' clothes seemed to be floating mid air, the baggy 21st century clothes were floating and phasing in and out of view, revealing a gray bodysuit infused with tech from the Legion of Super Heroes.

Wally: "It's a long story, and part of the reason why they won't let me leave."

Zatanna: "We can talk about that later! Hit him again!"

The magician took off, flying straight towards the Upside Down Man and blasting him with everything she had. Lightning, fire and magic blasts of energy filled the sky

As Wally raced off to join the fight once again, (Y/n) was left staring up at the massive entity, amazed and a bit confused that their attacks seemed to be working. He couldn't explain it, but Wally's lightning seemed to have a drastic impact. Like it was wearing down the Upside Down Man.

Before he could think on it further, the Upside Down Man retreated into his portal and the sky sealed itself up, looking perfectly normal like nothing happened.

The night sky was bright and full of stars, the sun having set mere minutes ago. Zatanna and Wally arrived back at the agents' side as civilians and police began to slowly return to the now destroyed park, eager to see what happened.

Zatanna: "Okay, you have a lot of explaining to do."

The speedster laughed and smiled, still overjoyed at the appearance of his friends.

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