Chapter 47: A Vacation

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(A/N): Hello and thanks for reading. The next chapter will mark the official start of Season 3. I've been looking forward to this season for a while. The next chapter will contain a character update/bio for our recurring characters and a few of the new ones. I'll also group the characters by team/allegiance so you'll be able to tell who everyone is.

Yes this chapter is basically all filler so I can set the last dominoes up for season 3 but bear with me, the next couple chapters will be worth the wait.

Also I finally got to introduce a fan favourite character with a little twist to better include said individual in this story.

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy



Budapest, Hungary

(Y/n) POV:

I know I constantly tell Zatanna she is beautiful, but in this blue silk dress she looks like a goddess. Her hair is done perfectly like it is when she's in her magicians outfit.

Another great thing is nobody in Budapest seems to know or care about Zatanna's job in the Justice League. Maybe it's just our luck finally turning but it's nice to blend in with the crowd and not have our photos taken. Unlike in London where we were forced to sneak away, back to our hotel and disappear in the night to avoid the barrage of reporters seeking information on Zatanna's suspension.

We are currently dancing away in some high society gala held in the large formal hall attached to our hotel. The charity event was joined by every large business putting on displays of their latest products and donating in an attempt to look good. A large one was LexCorp, which Zatanna and I actively avoided. We also avoided Wayne Enterprises, we wanted to slip away from all prying eyes and being spotted by some piece of WayneTech that will almost certainly alert Batman is the last thing we wanted to do.

It's not that we had anything to hide, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think the thought of him losing sleep over us disappearing without telling him where we're going is kind of funny.

After we finished our dinner I quickly stood up and grabbed Zatanna's hand. I watched her eyes light up with excitement as I gently pulled her to the dance floor.

(Y/n): "May I have this dance?"

Zatanna: "You may."

Once we made it onto the dance floor I pulled her as close to me as I could. I know Zatanna's going to be the center of attention, the dress hugs her body perfectly and she knows it. She accepted my pull and pressed herself against me as we danced.

A few minutes in and I suddenly spun Zatanna around, allowing her dress to twirl before I moved my hand to her back and quickly dipped her down. Zatanna gasped slightly as her legs slipped between mine. She composed herself shortly after and I pulled her back up and into my embrace.

Zatanna: "You're amazing."

(Y/n): "I've had a lot of practice in the last two weeks."

Zatanna: "Maybe, but you're bolder with your moves than the last few nights. What changed?"

(Y/n): "Maybe I practiced a bit while you were out."

Zatanna: "When have I been gone long enough for you to practice in the last couple of days?"

I've been waiting for this and I just need to be confident with my answer. That's the key to lying, confidence. I've lied literally my entire life, I was raised by a spy. Why is it so hard to do this all of the sudden?

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