𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ---♡ I

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"the meaning of
life and death,"



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in truth, she wondered whether or not leaving school early would be best. after all, she had a little brother she had to get to before she did anything else.

but she couldn't help the nagging feeling that she had if she did leave early to pick her brother up. but in all honesty, her brother was more, much more, important than some nagging feeling she had.

so she set off. the worst that could happen was that her brother was sick, or wasn't passing, or her father scolded her for not doing the dishes. so no matter the feeling, it was more than likely a unreasonable reason that kept playing on loop.

however, she didn't bother getting to know the feeling anyways. it was troublesome, and she had better things to worry about than some sentiment that had suddenly sprung.

but as usual, she never ignored her emotion that would suddenly come and go like a tidal wave.

which was why she rathered to let it simply wash away all the uneasiness she felt. the tidal wave would leave soon, and then she'd be okay and calm like before.

but she didn't believe the thing that stood in front of her as her little brother hid behind her.

in truth, if she were to choose how to die: it would be holding her little brother one last time, the both of them smiling and laughing as she passed away. that was her ideal choice.

but at the moment, she couldn't really choose her ideal death. not when her most important reason was hiding behind her.

"listen, haru, when I say run... please run." she couldn't really think straight, not when she might die or get injured badly. all she wanted right now was to get home and to help her brother and....

she didn't remember the last reason, but she knew it was something that made her extremely happy. she knew it was an excellent thing for her.

that's when she turned around and grabbed her brother. she wasn't a fast runner, nor was she a good at following directions, but she knew a place that the thing couldn't get to. so in hope of seeing her little brother once more, she grabbed him and decided to run.

haru buried his face into her shoulder, his sniffles made her heart drop. she hated seeing him cry or hurt for anything-- and the situation they were in made it worse.

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ♡ 𝙁𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now