𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ---♡ IX

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"warmth...she felt
warmth, and she wanted
him to feel it too."



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the feeling of wanting never truly leaved anyone.

most people want that feeling to fade away like a good dream, but most simply want it to stay until they feel a exact replica of it. and unlike those halves, many often don't feel it at all.

thus, the feeling they get when finally getting it makes them become confused. and although the feeling is a passionate form about someone else, it stings so bad when broken or torn.

and when broken or torn, many often feel the deepening sadness that grows within their healing hearts.

but that feeling of passion and want doesn't always lead to anything bad or anything good. it simply exists to remind us of the good things that often don't happen.

and she didn't know whether the feeling she felt for the first time was true or not.

she felt a warmth that she wanted to share with fushiguro. she wanted him to feel it just like how she did; she wanted him to feel the deepening passion that was ever growing withing her.

"you're cold, fushiguro." her hands cupped his face. they were warm and soft, a gentle reminder that the sun would rise the next day after the rain storm outside.

she felt his face lean into her hands. his eyes were closed, and his seemed relaxed with being the way they were.

it was calming in a sensible way. he felt secure with her. as though no harm could come to him; nothing could break their connection. as though she could protect for the while.

"and you're warm, l/n-san."

a small smile adored y/n's features, and one of her hand went towards his hair. she gently played with it, she felt as though he was truly just a dream.

a dream that would eventually fade into nothing but stars, and those would exist simply to watch over her. and she didn't know why it made her feel as though her moments with her were a lot less than just moments.

they felt more than memories to her. something she could remember when she was old.


she didn't know why she told him to call her by her first name.
maybe it was because her father could also by l/n-san, or maybe it was because she felt closer to him than far before

"call me y/n for now on."

he smiled and leaned his forehead with hers. she knew by now that this was his way of showing thanks. or showing her that he loved her far more than ever.


it was a small whisper.
one only she could hear.
one that spoke louder to her.
one that said everything to her.


it felt different than usual, but she absolutely loved the way her name rolled off his tongue. how he said it so effortlessly.


her hand stopped on the back of his neck. she played with a strand of hair.

he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. something she was used to by now, and something she always yearned for whenever he was with her.

"y/n... megumi.. call me megumi."

she smiled at him.



somehow their names were different than the usual they said. but it seemed to have fit for their development in the relationship they developed.

he kissed her wrist.
it was a gentle kiss, a soft one that said a thousand 'i love you's' and would say a thousand more.

he placed two more before staring into her eyes.
he could look at them for forever, he could see every flaw in her eyes and still love them regardless of what was wrong.


his name was easy, and it gave her a sense of trust from him.

"megumi," she smiled and leaned towards him. "can I kiss you?"

then the little nod he gave her made her gently push his face forward. it was a small peck, but it made the butterflies in her stomach ultimately go wild with just that.

whether this small peck made her feel thousands of butterflies, or the gentle kiss on her forehead from him, it made her feel as though the world had stopped at that moment.

it stopped just enough for her to capture this moment forever. it was a blissful thing she thoroughly enjoyed when being with him.

and then she lightly blush when remembering the position they were in.

megumi was laid between her legs, his hands on either side of her head. her legs were propped up around his waist, and she would occasionally lightly close them around him.

she did this again and caressed her thumb across his cheek. her thumb thn lightly traced over his lips-- to which the tips of his eas turned red.

the warmth she felt from before became stronger. it made her feel an urge she hadn't felt before, and she only felt this way towards megumi.

and somehow she wondered he felt it too.

so she kissed him.
it was a loving kiss.
one that said many things towards each other. something they'd yearn more for.

and at first she was the only one to kiss, but then he reciprocated it back. they both relaxed into each other, and somehow that spoke more than a simple 'I love you'.


megumi pulled the sweater he had borrowed from y/n's father over his head. after he did that, he felt y/n's hand traced over the back of his neck.

his own hand went towards the back of his neck as well, only to feel her tracing over a mark she had left on him.

"I'm sorry about that, fushiguro-kun."

he wore a small smile before turning around simply staring at her.

"it's okay, l/n-san... my hair will cover it until healed." she nodded and stood up from her bed.

"are you hungry?"

before he could answer her she had already left the room.

he guessed he was having dinner with her tonight. not that he minded anyway.


"and he did feel,

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ♡ 𝙁𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now