𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ---♡ VIII

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"watching her;
life becomes more than
just hell,"



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y/n calmly slept, her entire body was relaxed, and her mind was in peace at the moment. fushiguro sat on the floor near her bed as he read one of the books from her shelf, his hand was intertwined with y/n's as she slept.

as he looked at her he remembered the conversation they had two hours before.

"you look like shit." haru went up to fushiguro and smacked his leg.

"big bro! she knows that already!!" he continued to hit fushiguro's leg as y/n drank the coffee she had poured.

"and why exactly is she like this, then?" fushiguro grabbed haru's hands and started walking himself and haru towards y/n.

"well she says she's been 'having nightmares' or something.. I think it's because she hasn't seen dad in a while. either way! she's your problem now! I have a sleepover to get to!!" haru then patted fushiguro and hugged y/n as he hurried to get everything ready to leave.

y/n only smiled at fushiguro before helping haru get ready to go. fushiguro hardly knew why she was losing sleep, and if anything she was as stubborn as haru was to not be told anything about sleep.

though, she hardly wanted attention on herself. which also meant that this was out of her control.

"l/n-san, sleep." it wasn't an order, rather, it was a command for her to do.

"I can't sleep! if I do the nightmare comes back and I can't deal with that. I have bigger things to worry about."

"like what exactly?"

"uhhh.... uhm, it's nothing." fushiguro grabbed her hand and pulled her to her room. he sat her on her bed and gently placed his hands in her shoulders.

her pushed her down and pulled the blanket over her.


"your rather persistent about me sleeping..." she yawned, her body became relaxed and she became tired. "stay with me, fushiguro." he nodded and sat down on the floor.

he soon felt her hand grab his own, which made him look at her in a confused manner.

"is there a problem, l/n-san?"

"no.... no, I just wanted to hold your hand... if that's okay." she sleepily closed her eyes and soon enough her breathing became steady, and she fell into a deep and awaited sleep.

which is why he now sat here as she slept.
he didn't mind that he held her hand as she slept, nor did he mind being scolded by haru for saying such a thing to her before.

and he knew if the roles were reversed she'd help him in a heartbeat.
much like how he did it with her.

fushiguro threw his head back. a small sigh left him, and the grip he had on her hand loosened a bit. he turned his head and quietly observed y/n.

he focused on her eyes. although they were closed, he liked looking at them for a certain amount of seconds.
he also loved how they light up whenever something interested her; or when she stared at him-- or when she stared at haru as well.

he marked his page on the book and then placed it besides him.

he turned back to y/n and a gentle smile appeared. his hand brushed away a few stray hairs that were to eventually become a problem in her sleep. though, that didn't seem to work-- considering she turned her head to the other side, her hand pushed fushiguro's hand away.

"don't.... ugh- fushiguro!" he observed her as she mumbled incoherent things. he didn't know whether to continue watching, or to go and do something else instead of this.

then he suddenly saw tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

he knew this too well, a little too well. which was why he got on his knees and started to softly call her name.

"l/n-san." he knew softly calling her name wasn't going to work well-- it never did. but he didn't want to scare her awake from her nightmare.

he needed it come naturally when waking up.

"l/n-san." she squirmed a bit before her hands went to dry the tears that were falling. "l/n-san, wake up."

he didn't know what to do.
not when someone was having a nightmare.
which was the reason he observed the movements she did, such as how she wiped away every single year that fell, or when her grip would tighten on his hand.


it wasn't the fact that she remained calm while crying. it was the fact that she stared at him with tearful eyes.

"fushiguro..." she closed her eyes, the feeling she felt from her nightmare become more prominent as she felt fushiguro's looming being. "you didn't leave.... why? why, why, why?"

her hands went and covered her eyes, and he couldn't do much but watch as she broke down.

but he knew one thing could help. and he hoped it worked.

"move over."

this made her become confused. it was enough to make her move her hands and look directly into his eyes.


"move over. I'm going to lay with you." the expression he wore gave mixed emotions about what he was trying to do. "l/n-san, move over so I can lay next to you."

a gentle nod was given to him before she scooted over and turned on her side.

"you don't have to do this, fushiguro-kun."

he shook his head as he got into her bed with her. as he laid beside her he realized she was cold, more so considering the fact that she wore a blanket throughout her sleep.

"you're cold, l/n-san." he pulled the blanket onto them; he made sure that she was covered fully before settling in and becoming comfortable himself. "I'll be here this you until you fall asleep and wake up."

"okay, fushiguro-kun."

she buried her head into his chest, a small flustered smile started to appear as she heads his steady heartbeat.

it was calm and relaxed.
almost as she was hearing the ocean breathe. fushiguro gave her a sense of security, a sense of want and protection, and she didn't know why but she felt as though he was the most precious thing in her life.

his steady heartbeat was so precious to her. it was the reason she was calming down at the moment, and the reason she didn't feel those emotions from her nightmare.

"thank you, fushiguro-kun. I appreciate this." she looked up at him, only to see him already staring at her.

"no need to thank me." he breathed out, and then his hand moved her hair and she felt him lean in.

fushiguro placed a gentle kiss in her forehead. he wanted her to know that although he hardly showed her any physical love, he mentally and emotionally loved her just as much as she showed him physical love.

"sleep well, l/n-san."


"and perhaps,
a safe haven for
each other."

𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ♡ 𝙁𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤Where stories live. Discover now