The Only Heir

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"Zendaya, darling, I appreciate your efforts but I do wish you would have consulted with me before you...well...kidnapped my long lost nephew..." Sam, now a mighty king, didn't feel so regal, biting his nails nervously as he looked upon the shaken up boy.

"King Samuel—I can't believe it—I'm your nephew? This doesn't seem real." Tom stuttered as he rubbed his trembling hands together.

"I did what I had to do. Beth and Harrison refused every invitation despite the urgency in which they were sent, so I took matters into my own hands. Don't worry, I've notified them. Surely they'll show up to court now." Zendaya explained.

"Can someone tell me what's going on? Please?" Tom asked, confused and desperate for answers.

"I thought Lady Bella throughly explained—" said Zendaya, before she was cut off by Sam's small voice in her ear.

Sam whispered, "I think this needs to be handled with more sensitivity, love."

"You know that isn't my strong suit."

"Let me take it from here. I'll talk to him."

"Alright. Are you angry with me?"

"No, of course not, my love. Just let me alone with the boy while we figure this out."

"Very well." She turned to leave, smiling reassuringly at Tom before exiting.

Sam went over to the boy and timidly put a hand on his shoulder. "Would you like to go for a walk, lad?"

"Uh...sure."  Tom replied.

Sam smiled fondly, leading Tom out toward the gardens. "Wonderful. Follow me, we've lots to talk about." 


"How dare they! How dare they!" Beth wailed, sliding down the wall as she tore up the letter. She felt like something had been ripped from her core, pain pouring out of her center.

Harrison was silent, almost frozen. He leaned stiffly over the dining table, staring at the wood pattern. He traced each line in his head until he could collect himself. He took in a breath, a sharp pang in his chest tore through him as he got up to approach his wife, who was sobbing on the other side of the room. "What do you want to do, darling?"

She sharply looked up at him with a face full of terror. "I need to find a ship now!" She screamed in fury as she stood up, going for the door. "Get the children! Meet me at the docks!"

"Of course—" She slammed the door before he could finish.

Their other children peeped in from the bedroom doorway. Little Bash was wide-eyed and confused while Em remained unphased. She merely wanted answers. "Father? What's happening?" She pressed, making him cringe at the resemblance. She questioned him just like a captain.

"Where's Tom?" Bash piped up.

He attempted to stay neutral. "Everything's alright, children. We're...going on a trip."

"I heard that much, but I want to know what's really going on!" Em exclaimed.

"There's no time to explain now—we have to meet your mother. You won't need to bring anything—just come along!" Harrison took their hands and rushed them to the edge of town when they found Beth and a ship waiting for them. Once her family joined her, Beth gave the ship captain the shredded pieces of the letter she had received. He recognized it, giving her a small grunt as the family boarded, wondering if they would ever make it back.


"My Queen, Harrison Osterfield and his family have arrived!" A herald announced to Zendaya as she was sat upon her throne, waiting.

"Bring them to me." She commanded.

The heavy doors opened, and Beth barreled into the room, Harrison and the children close behind. Beth was as furious as a bull, branding her horns. "Where is my son?!"

"Lady Beth, Captain—" Zendaya started.

"Captain? Don't make me laugh. He's not your Captain. Skip the formalities, Your Grace, and answer me!"

Zendaya slowly rose from her seat. "Follow me. I wish to speak with you privately, Beth."

"I don't trust you—"

"I never expected your trust, but if you want to see your son you'll have to speak with me civilly."

Beth looked to Harrison. "Stay here. Don't let them take you anywhere. I'll be back."

Zendaya led her to a sitting room not far from the throne room. A servant even brought them tea, but Beth would have none of it. The large window overlooked the bright gardens. "I'm sure you're wondering why I forced your hand." Zendaya finally spoke after a bite of a cucumber sandwich.

"You kidnapped my son."

"You refused to return—"

"That was our decision! Why on earth do you think we'd want to come back here? After all that happened—"

"There is much you don't grasp—"

"You're right! How could someone as sweet as Sam marry a snake like you?"

"The same way a prince can fall for a peasant!" Zendaya screamed, knocking a teacup to the floor. It shattered, and a few tears fell from her eyes as she bent over to pick up the shards.

Beth watched, breathless, unsure of what to do or say. Finally she could speak. "Let me help you—"

"I'm fine." She sat up, setting many of the porcelain pieces on the tray. "I apologize."

"Tell me, please. Why? Why after all this time did you lure us here?"

Zendaya looked into Beth's eyes with a desperation unlike any Beth had ever seen from her. "Your son, Tom, is the only heir to the throne." More tears fell down her cheeks as Beth's eyes widened in shock.

"That can't be—what of your children? Paddy—surely Paddy is more than old enough—"

"Paddy has gone mad! He lives in the tower, the very one his father went to die—the one Harry fell to his death! He sees things that aren't there and he speaks to himself and ghosts! His mind is gone—" She sobbed. "He saw too much—too much so young—"

"Dear God—" Beth's heart quickened at the thought. The way Zendaya described him was frightening beyond belief.

"He won't come out. Guards bring him food, but no one has looked upon his face in years. Not even Sam. There is no hope for him now. He is lost."

"Your children...?"

"Don't torture me, Beth. I have no children. All miscarried but one. The only one to ever make it into the world—but it was stillborn!" Zendaya clutched her chest, a clenching pain making her wail. "We need your child! He's the only hope for the kingdom!"

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