Coming of Age

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"May your future rule be filled with love and happiness. Happy birthday, my son!"

Tom dug his heel into his horse harder, leaning forward as far as he could go. He could ride as far and as fast as he wanted, but their voices kept plaguing him. Repeating and repeating.

"Darling, we all knew this day was coming."

He buried his face in the horse's mane, twisting his fingers in the long, thick masses of golden hair. Biting back a sob, he squeezed his legs even harder. The sturdy gallop was now too fast even for him, but he wasn't slowing down. He couldn't bring himself to stop it.

"You don't have that luxury, son. You're of royal blood, chosen by God. There are many sacrifices to be made."

Without warning, Tom's horse sped to a stop, hooves sliding in the soft, grassy turf. Tom was thrown off into the still stream ahead, the sharp splash disturbing the peacefulness of the wood. Birds took to the sky in fright and other twittering and pattering scattered around him. He finally let out a broken and frustrated scream, slamming his hands into the water pathetically. He sank into the dull, hopeless feeling, the water soaking through him.

Slowly he collected himself, wincing in pain from the impactful landing. He ran a shaky hand through his hair, looking around. His eyes widened in fear as dark was approaching, and he was completely lost. His horse had come to him in the stream, nudging his head. He grabbed ahold of the reins and started to walk. Every way looked the same to him. He gathered some pebbles and began leaving a trail of where he'd been, desperate to find a way back before the dusk swallowed all the light. Surely someone would look for him if he were absent from the castle too long, only no one saw him leave. Not even his best mate Harrison knew about the passage in his tower leading straight to the stable house.

His face started to sting slightly while a small, wet trickle of blood fell down his cheek. He wiped it away swiftly, annoyed that he now had a cut. Just another something for his mother to fret over. He didn't care much for his parents at the moment. Today was supposed to be his day, the most important birthday for any prince, but of course they managed to ruin the whole thing.

Earlier that day, his father lead him into one of the royal sitting rooms, his mother following closely behind. They had masterfully plucked him from the celebrations, much to his dislike, but he knew this was a part of it. Being the oldest son, coming of age meant getting the "someday you will be king" talk on your birthday. It was tradition, of course, but Tom didn't see why it couldn't wait until after the party.

"Thomas," King Dominic beamed, hugging Tom briefly. "You have grown into a fine prince. I have no doubts that after I am gone, our kingdom will still thrive."

"Thank you, father." Tom soaked up this praise. It was rare coming from his father, but on a happy day like this it seemed to drip from his mouth like honey.

The king raised his glass. "May your future rule be filled with love and happiness. Happy birthday, my son!"

After his toast, the king fell comfortably into his chair, his eyes content. Queen Nicola laced her fingers into her husband's hand, looking lovingly at Tom. "Thomas, we know you are well versed with your future duties, but there is one thing we must discuss with you."

"Yes mother?" Tom took a sip of his wine.

The queen daintily cupped his cheek, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "We have finally found you a bride!"

The wine slid down the wrong pipe, causing Tom to badly stifle a scratchy cough. "What?" He croaked.

"Now you'll have to wait a little while because she isn't quite of age yet, but—"

"An arranged marriage? So soon?" He swirled the wine in his goblet, his once light heart sinking like a stone.

"Darling, we all knew this day was coming." She tenderly stroked a curl out of his face.

"Besides," the king spoke up, "the alliance being forged is considerably valuable to both kingdoms. It ensures a powerful reign for you. They are much stronger than us alone, for they have three other, although smaller, kingdoms already joined to them. With us being second largest only to them, together we'll be untouchable—"

Tom could see the all too familiar greedy, strategic glimmer in his father's face. It was always present when he watched him and his council discuss things such as laws and battles. It was something he didn't fully grasp, no matter how much he studied. Thinking to himself about every scenario presented, he could never make decisions as quickly (and ruthlessly) as his father. But this, Tom thought, shouldn't be his to decide. "I understand, father, but are there not...other ways to join kingdoms?"

The king's mighty laugh bellowed out louder than he anticipated. It bounced off the walls, startling Tom a bit. "If you're afraid she's ugly son, I can get a portrait sent over—"

"No no—I just—I don't know her. Mother—" He looked to her, desperate for backup, but there was none to be had.

"You'll get to know her, Thomas. Calm down—"

"Mother how can I be calm when I haven't even properly been introduced to her at all and I'm expected to marry her? How am I supposed to fall in love with her if—"

Once again, the king snickered uncontrollably. His laugh squeaked and exploded, much to Tom's annoyance. "Son, son, you're killing me."

"What is so amusing father?" Tom seethed.

"I don't want you to think I don't love your mother, but I didn't know her when we were married. I didn't marry her because I loved her, I married her because I was told to by my father. And one day you'll tell your son to marry someone. It's tradition—"

"Why can't I find someone of my own?"

"You don't have that luxury, son. You're a royal, chosen by God. There are many sacrifices to be made."

"So much for a rule full of love and happiness!" Tom sprung up and stormed toward the door.

"Thomas! Where are you going?" The queen called after him, her face filled with newfound worry.

"To my chambers! And I will not be disturbed!" He screamed back at her, racing to past anyone who tried to stop him. He needed air and he needed love, but he could only have one of those things, as of today.

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