Chapter Five

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I remember police bursting through the door, rushing in with their guns and shouting to each other as they came further into the apartment. I didn't know how long I had been out of it for, but it mustn't have been long. Officers knelt beside me on the ground repeating my name, but I wasn't all there to respond. They cut the zip ties from my wrists and the relief felt amazing, but there was a constant painful stinging. Sitting me up, a doctor came over and attended to the cut on the side of my head. All I did was stare ahead at nothing. It was chaos. Officers were all over the apartment, and there were so many people trying to talk to me, but I wasn't able to say anything. It was as if I was frozen. Where was Bruce? Why hadn't he showed up? Was it that hurt that he didn't want to help me? There were so many questions going around in my head, and I was angry that this had happened.

After a little while, I was stable and able to talk. A female officer had given me some coffee and sat me down on the sofa so that she could take a statement. Other officers were trying to find fingerprints and any bit of evidence that would help.

"Ms Montez, I need you to take me through what happened."

I told her everything that I remembered, and although it hurt to recall it, I knew that I was lucky. It could have been worse.

"How did you know to come?" I ask.

"A neighbour heard shouting. Said that she had seen three men enter the building with guns. They must have got spooked when they heard the sirens and ran. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to catch them yet, but we will."

I tried to understand why someone would do this to me. I wasn't known to be someone who was materialistic. Yes, I had some expensive items of jewellery and the odd piece of designer clothing, but I never showed it off. Perhaps they just didn't like me and thought it would be funny? But then I remembered one of their voices, and it scared me when I realised it was someone who worked with my father as security. Perhaps I was wrong. I tried to convince myself I was, but every time I thought of the voice, it only made me see his face.

"I recognised one of their voices. I think they work for my father as security," I suddenly said and the officer looked up at me, surprised.

"You're saying your own father would send his own men to hurt you? That's a pretty big accusation. Why do you think he would do that?"

"We had a pretty big argument. I told him I didn't need them. Maybe he was trying to prove a point or teach me a lesson. I don't know, but I knew his voice."

"Are you sure? It could have been anybody. Maybe they just sounded similar..."

"No, it was definitely him. His names Michael Salsbury."

Before the officer could say anything else, I heard Jim Gordon's voice and I turned to see him enter the room. He was well known in the GCPD and someone who had always been incredibly kind to me. Jim appear saddened when he looked at me, but before I could look away, a figure appeared next to him. The almighty Batman. Under the mask, I couldn't make out his expression. Suddenly, I felt anger take over my body. I was angry at him for not showing up and for not being here. I know I shouldn't have been. He was probably pre-occupied elsewhere, and he couldn't possibly have eyes on me constantly. Deep down, I knew that if he had been aware of what was happening then he'd have been here in a flash, but my emotions were all over the place and all I knew, was that I was angry with him and I felt tears form in my eyes. I stood up from the sofa and stared right at him because unlike everyone else in the room, I knew who he was under the mask and no mask or any amount of eye makeup would hide that.

"Now you decide to show up," I snap wiping my tears. Bruce stayed very still, but really I knew he wanted to come over and comfort me. I couldn't deal with him right now. It was too much to see him. Not wanting to be around him, I storm into one of the empty rooms and slam the door. I didn't want the Batman right now. All I wanted was Bruce.

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