Chapter Thirty-Three

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My head was throbbing, and it was a struggle to open my eyes. When they finally open, I slowly lift my head up to see where I am. My hair was in the way and I could feel strands sticking to the side of my face. There was a light shining down on me and I was sitting in the middle of a dark room. It wasn't one that I could make out, but it was as if it was an abandoned warehouse or basement. When I'm fully conscious, I start to panic and in doing so, I realise my arms and feet are chained to a pillar in the middle of the room. They were locked tight by a padlock and no amount of yanking would loosen them, but I try anyway.

"It's pointless trying," a voice suddenly says, and I snap my head up to see a figure step into the light. When I see that it's Mr Nashton, my heart races. I suddenly remember what happened at the hospital.

He takes a seat opposite me. "I'm sorry about your head. I did my best not to hurt you, but you put up more of a fight than I expected." I don't say a word and instead stare at him as he grins. "I know you're scared, Isabella. Please don't be. I'm not the bad guy that you might think I am."

"I've heard that before." He only snickers at my words. "What do you want with me?"

He stares at me for a moment before leaning closer. "We're alike you and I."

"I'm nothing like you," I snap.

"But you are a murderer aren't you, Isabella?" His words caught me by surprise and I freeze suddenly, not knowing how to respond. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, as promised. If I couldn't be trusted, everyone would already know."

He was right, but then why did he kidnap me? He must have wanted me for something, and I knew I'd find out soon enough, but I didn't want to.

"Then why did you bring me here? What do you want with me?"

"You'll find out soon enough. It shouldn't be too long now. I'd imagine Mr Wayne already has the entire GCPD looking for you."

"Please just let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone who you are, just please-"

"Shut your whining!" He suddenly bellows, and my lips immediately shut. It wasn't just myself I was thinking about anymore. I had to follow his instruction, whatever it would be. Bruce would be on his way, but how would he know where I am?

"I'm sorry, Isabella. I really am, but you have to understand. The city doesn't need anymore lies. You need to pay for what you did to Carmen."

"You say this but then you murder my father and hide behind your stupid riddles. Why not come forward?"

He comes closer and leans nearer to my face, a small smirk resting across his lips. He pushes a strand of my hair out of my eyes. "It's all part of my plan," he whispers before stepping back. "Now, I know that the city loves you and I admire that so I'm doing you a favour by not exposing your secret. You can take it to the grave with you."

"What are you going to do to me?"

He places his hand onto his chest acting hurt. "Me? I'm not going to do anything directly to you, but somebody has to pay and have blood on your hands."

"You do as well. What are you gaining from doing this to me? If you're trying to get one over on Bruce it won't work." He ignores me and opens a metal door which leads to some stairs going up. Was he just going to leave me in here? "Wait..." I shout and he stops, turning back to look at me. "You've kept my secret for this long. Why now?"

"Because secrets don't last forever. They always come out in the end. Imagine what the people of Gotham would do to you if they knew the truth? If they knew that you were a murderer and you covered it up. That you sent an innocent man to jail. You'd be the most targeted and hated woman in Gotham. I'm doing you a favour. This way, you don't have to endure the guilt, and the pain that will eventually come. Bruce can't keep you safe forever. All things come to an end, Isabella. You of all people know that."

With that, he slipped his hand into his pockets and suddenly the padlocks around my feet and wrists unlocked, falling to the ground with a loud clank. He must have had some sort of key device in his pocket. Before I could even think about trying to escape through the door, he stepped out and slammed it shut. I did my best to get to the door, bashing on it with my fists.

"Please don't do this to me," I shout, but it was no use. He was gone and there was no way out. All of a sudden, water started gushing into the room from the exposed pipes. He was going to drown me. I did my best to try and cover the pipes with whatever was in the room but the water was too quick and in too many places. It was starting to fill quickly and my panic was beginning to worsen. I kept banging and shouting at the door. "Please, let me out. I'll do anything, please."

I knew he had probably gone and I had ran out of options. If I wasn't going to die from drowning then I was certainly going to die from the cold. The rain outside didn't help as it covered my screams. I tried to shout through a vent leading outside, but no one was coming for me. The water was rising fast and I was started to struggle.

I wrap my arm around a pipe for support and lean my head against it as I cry. I was going to die and I had to accept it. I had never really been scared of dying until now. What scared me most was leaving the ones I loved behind. I know Bruce would blame himself. He'd be inconsolable. It would destroy him, and I hated the thought of it. Alfred would hurt too, but he'd put his needs last to take care of Bruce, like he always did.

The water got higher and it was difficult to keep my head above the water. It was my time and when the water finally covered my face, it was all over. My last thoughts being nothing else but Bruce.

Where are you Bruce? Please find me.

Giving into you (Bruce Wayne/Batman - Robert Pattinson)Where stories live. Discover now