nothing matters

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You turned around to face Bucky. He smiled at you. You smiled back.
"Let's get out of here" you say to him. He nods and to the two of you began on your stroll back home. As the two of you walked you talked. It was the first time you talked without it being awkward. You didn't want to ruin the mood so you tried to keep the conversation light. "So what's Bucky Barnes' favorite color" you ask. He raised an eyebrow and smiled, like he knew exactly what you were doing. "Blue, my favorite color is blue" said Bucky with a chuckle. "Blue is a nice color" you say, nodding in agreement. You tried to think of something else to say but your mind went blank. Crap think Y/N think, you thought to yourself. Bucky laughed. He must have sensed you mentally panicking. "Relax, don't strain your brain" he said. You laugh and look towards the pavement. He starts talking. You look up at him, watching his lips move. You payed little to no attention to what he was saying. 'He has the sexiest lips I've ever seen,' you thought to yourself. Your eyes move from his lips to his eyes. You gaze into his eyes, losing yourself in them.
"Y/N?" Says Bucky. You didnt hear him. Its like you were in a school girl daze. "Y/N" said Bucky, a second time, getting your attention.
"Huh? what?" You say completely confused and unaware of what the hell he was saying. He shakes his head, laughs and puts his arm around you.
"So, what were you saying" you quickly say, trying to hide the fact that you're blushing from embarrassment. "Nothing, its not important." He says. By the look on his face, you could tell it had some level of importantance to it. "Tell me, please" you say with a pout. "Its nothing, I'm just glad you're not mad at me anymore" said Bucky. "I wasn't" you lied.
There it was. The thing you didn't want to talk about. Sooner or later you had to talk about it. You'd hoped later rather than sooner. You just have to grit your teeth and power through this conversation.
"I fucked up, I'm sorry. I was trying to do the right thing and it back fired. Not kissing you was a mistake. I was trying to protect you from your feelings, I guess." Said Bucky, scratching the back of his head.
"But I dont want protection. I just wanted you. My life is a mess right now, anyone can see that but you're the only good thing I got going for me right now." you say. He stops dead in his tracks and hugs you, tight.
He leaned back and said "I have a lot of regrets in my life but I won't let losing you be one of them." You didn't know what to say. You just hugged him tight. You'd said everything you needed too, and so did he. There was nothing left to do but go home.

The both of you make it home. You walk into the kitchen. "Are you hungry" you ask him. "No" he replies. You go to the fridge. He follows. You open the fridge and reach in. With your head in the fridge you ask "Do you want a Coke." He say "Yeah." You grabbed two cans and close the fridge. You hand him a can, he takes it and puts it down on the counter. He grabs your waist and pulls you in. He takes the can from your hand and puts it down next to his. He kisses you softly, sending shivers down your spine. He pulls back, lightly caressing your face with his flesh hand. You close your eyes, losing yourself in his touch. He gently buries his hand in your hair and passionately kisses you. Entangled in one another he slowly but surely guides you to the bedroom. You hadn't even noticed until your calf hit the bed frame, causing you to fall back onto the bed. He smiles and takes his shirt off. You scoot back, sit up and eyed his heavenly body. He puts a knee on the bed, grabs your thighs and slides you closer to him. The phone rings. The both of you look at the charging phone, then back at each other. He smiles and slams his lips on yours. You could feel yourself getting nervous. You tried to stop your body from shaking but you couldn't. It wasn't your first time but he was making you feel like a virgin. He guides your shirt off of you. Then your bra. Your stomach flutters as he kissed you deeply and his hand moved a long your body. Butterflies: you hadn't had butterflies in such a long time. You didnt even know you were capable of feel like this. In that instance you let yourself go and went with the flow. The both of you were in your own world. Nothing mattered. The chill of his metal hand on your bare skin was a little hard to get use to. You'd jump and gasp when he touched you, which made him laugh.
You roll him over so you'd be on top. You fumble with his belt, as he fumbles with the button on your pants. Failing to get his belt undone, you jump off of him and kick your own pants off as he leans back does the same...

The front door opens and Steve walks in, unbenounced to you. With groceries in hand, he heads to the kitchen. "Hello, is anyone here" he says as he starts putting the groceries away. In the bedroom, you and Bucky were tripping over each other trying to put your clothes back on. "Where's my shirt" you whisper; covering your breast with the pillow. Bucky shrugs and gives you his. A shirtless Bucky goes to the living room to greet Steve. While you put on his shirt and tie up your messy hair....

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